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Malus Trux

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So my LGS is holding an escalation campaign called Solaris Prime, a Forgeworld that has reappeared from the warp & the 3rd Company of Imperial Fists is going to investigate rumors of foul powers congregating on the planet. This is my blog that will be following their construction into hopefully an effective fighting force. There's going to be an allied IG force officially representing chapter serfs in the campaign (all other Guardsmen are considered heretical in the scenario) but they shall be modeled after normal Guardsmen, so expect a few of them to pop up.



This is a trio of Battle Brothers that have bravely "volunteered" to be my test models for painting yellow. We shall see how they turn out.



Here is one of two, possibly three, leaders that will be commanding the 3rd, Chaplain Solomon Constantine. He's mostly done but he needs some touch ups & a couple of washes/glazes. Oh and the Fist symbol too.



This guy is no stranger to the sons of Dorn. Originally he was to be Grimaldus. Turns out his wargear is a perfect match for Thulsa Kane. Who'da thunk it?

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Where's your store? My local GW store is also running an escalation league with Solaris Prime, seems to be the same story. I just picked up the packet on Saturday. I'm in Texas, near the Grapevine store. I'd love to see your stuff in person and maybe set up a painting day we could work on it with a fellow B&C battle brother.


Is that one of the masters of the chapter bodies you used as a base? looks great.

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Might be some dust or fuzz that got on him. I'll take a look at him & see if its still there. This is hopefully to be my first 6th ed army. I've still got 5th ed on the brain but those armies don't always translate well so this is from scratch, focusing on troops & heavies but I still need to figure what to spend 165 points on.


@Father Mapple

Why yes it is to both questions. This is the campaign written by B&C's very own Bloodsurfer & I heard a rumor BassWave might even be joining. That axe wielding mofo is indeed a former Master of the Chapter with a kitbashed skull helmet. I'm usually there on Tuesday nights & every other Wednesday night as well as weekends my work schedule permitting. I'd love to your stuff as well.

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I didn't know you were doing a cultist army. Last I heard you had acquired Book I of the Horus Heresy & not much else. Perhaps I'll see you this weekend & we can catch up.



I look forward to seeing how they develop too as I still have no idea what I want to ultimately do with them. ;) Fortunately I've got a week & a half to get a 500 point list made up & where to go from there.


Alrightly, I wanted to prime the first guys today but I forgot my glue for the basing so hopefully I'll prime them tomorrow. In the meantime I've got a couple more pics.



Threw this guy together today & after I add the chapter symbol I'll almost have a combat squad.



This guy is a bit of a teaser for another project that won't feature in this army but is tied to the Imperial Fists in a big way. He was originally to be a certain 30k first captain & he's closely related to that position in "modern" 40k. Just noticed the guy to the left, which makes this a two prizer. That's actually the 5th man for the combat squad but as he's a model that was supposed to have his paint stripped but that was so botched I won't take a pic of him until he's got a new coat of primer or gets another simple green wash.

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I know I can. Not going to.


Quick update. These are my 3 test subjects. I'll try taking a 4th test subject as I'm not sure which way I'll end up going.



Left to right: base yellow with white highlights, drybrush highlights with wash, straight yellow with wash.

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Since I couldn't get any painting on the sons of Dorn due to weather not allowing priming, I continued progress on my special project. As far as the escalation league goes, I won't use him as the guy he represents, cost way too much. Now to go finish the tac squad I've been working on.



He still requires a bolter of some sort and weapon heads.

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Got to prime the last 2 of the combat squad, so did two more test schemes, this time washing before adding yellow.



After posting these up as pics I realized how hard it is to tell the difference in photos. Left guy got a mud wash, yellow then a yellow glaze & the other a black wash before the yellow, if that makes a difference.



Here's the whole combat squad. I like the yellow one.



Once more in far too bright of a light. Far from finished but I at least have chosen which yellow method I'll go with. Now for the sarge, spec wep & the rest.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks. Come visit us. We're almost normal over here.


@Master Chaplain Astador

You're thinking BassWave



A small bit of progress yesterday. Wanted to finish him so I could paint him when the weather allowed but bits got lost so had to hunt down replacements.

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  • 7 months later...

First half of my second ETL vow.




Since this is for ETL, here's the point break down:


Artificer Armor
Relic Blade
Storm Shield
Aux Grenade Launcher

Tactical Squad (5 Marines)
Plasma Gun

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  • 1 month later...

So I find this making its way through the interwebs:




My response:


Do you now?


Well I've actually had this guy done for a while. In fact I briefly considered repriming him & entering him in ETL but I kinda liked the way he turned out. Fast forward to 6th ed C:SM & I'm kinda wanting to switch him for a Librarian in TDA cause its so cheap to do so.

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