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A fallen inquisitor...

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I need a new project and have been reading eisenhorn, but as a chaos player through and through, I don't want to do a loyal inquisitor, rather a fallen inquisitor. The only problem I am having is that I cant decide how to do a fallen inquisitor list (around 500-1000 points). I have looked at he guard, daemon hunters and the plain chaos space marine book (having the inquisitor as a power armoured inquisitor etc and using cultist as the lackies). The only thing that I can thing is the easiest option is coteaz to take away the need of a power or termi armoured troop choice...


What would you do, what codex would you use to represent the fallen inquisitor and his little rabble?

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Coteaz is certainly the strongest option, although a commissar lord is also a decent choice.


The downside of using GKs is that you will have to 'counts-as' for everything, and you will not have access to daemon allies.

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I'd use C:GK then use IG allies to represent traitor guardsmen or cultists. Saw a batrep a month or so ago with a guy using traitor guard with a primaris psyker as an HQ (sorceror cultists or something) then for GK, he used either Coteaz or an Inquisitor for HQ but I can't be sure. It was a cool looking army and powerful at the same time.


Edit: You can even use a GK squad if you really want, just make them a cabal of TS sorcerors or something. Sky's the limit with this stuff.

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I was thinking about guard + GK, using more inquisitors to represent assassins :lol:



The one question I have on the taking henchmen, it says that if you take coteaz you treat them as troops instead of elites and that they are not limited by how many inquisitors you have (simple enough). BUT there is a bit that says that they do not take up a slot, does this carry over when they become troops???

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This was just discussed in the GK subforum- if Coteaz is part of your force henchmen are no longer 'slotless.' They are troops in every way, meaning that they are no longer elite and that a maximum of 6 can be taken.
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SW and IG. SW make the chaos part with Drop pods , lords and sorc and the inq is either that reservs delay guy or commisar with a blob. Other option is to take SW and cortez with tons of cheap henchman . an not bad fire base [cheap and does ok shoting. cortez is awesome as always] .
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There are some pretty crazy inquisitors known as radicals that supposedly fight for the good of mankind with the cunning use of daemonic artefacts and daemonhosts. Radicals might also turn to the aliens for help. Surprisingly, grey knights often hunt down radical inquisitors and hit them firmly on the head with thunderhammers until the inquisitor starts behaving as what a chaos worshipper should behave in the presence of grey knights (dead).


You could use a Dark Apostle as inquisitor, cultists as henchmen, spawn as daemonhost etc, so only using the Chaos Codex is viable. Maybe even throw in some IG allies or some demented aliens as support.

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Fallen inquisitor as army list: Its an imaginary army that spring from fluff, there are no codex for it.


A Dark Apostle is a religious person, just as an inquisitor. Some differences in practice and deity, but maybe an inquisitor could become a dark apostle when he/she falls to the dark side? Equip a chaos artefact or some such. Maybe the dimensional key was one of the reasons the inquisitor fell from grace? Whispers from the warp turning the inquisitor mad. Much fun to be had with fluff and conversions here!


Cultists and henchmen are relatively similar. Some of the henchmen in codex: Grey Knights are superior, but those have a bit more training than the armed untrained rebels that cultists represent. They could be people that are swayed by the words of the inquisitor, lured into chaos by the silvertongued demagouge and inquisitorial title.


Maybe the inquisitor have a band of followers/bodyguard in powerarmour that counts as space marines?

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I have just put together a dark elf wych (the one that hangs on one of the vehicles) and added a sniper rifle, think this will be my eversor assassin, will be taking off coteazs head and bird and replacing them with another head (with some bionic bits) and something else on the arm... not to sure what yet. Chaos warriors from fantasy as crusaders? Big shield and nice and evil looking :D now what to use as the death cult assassins and acolytes... something suitably evil looking and that I can easily put different power weapons on. How to equip the acolytes? Thanks for all the help guys!
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