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Termies! Which way is the way to go?


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As the title says, I am looking into buying yet another box of termies! Should I get the regular ones with SB/PF or should I get some Assult ones with TH/SS or LCs?


Also, how do I equip them? Do I leave the sergants "naked" or do I make them combat monsters?

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In my view, Shootynators got a lot better this edition due to the whole AP3 power weapon thing not negating their 2+ and therefore meaning they don't need a shield to survive. Either Assault Terminators or Shootynators both have access to AP2 now as well (fists or hammers). So, you're effectively packing the same punch in CC - or can do depending on claws, sergeant weapon, etc.


The big question then is whether you deem the 3++ from a Storm Shield a better choice than being able to shoot. I guess this comes down to the roll the terminators will be playing and where they fit in your army. Foot slogging termies will probably see a lot more use as getting assault termies into CC is more difficult these days - Storm Ravens have to stop flying to get them there or you have to buy a Land Raider and drive it up close. This isn't to say it's impossible or a bad idea though. Shoving a bunch of Hammer/Shield wielding termies down your opponents throat is always a tough prospect for him/her to deal with!


So, I guess the most important issue is: what's in the rest of the list?

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Indeed, choosing whether to field a unit is about synergy, it's it's important to know what other units you are fielding. It's also about how you'd like to play it: assault, mid field control or long range bombardment.


As for myself, if I didn't had my landraider filled with DC (I'm assault oriented), I'd fill them with assault termies.

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When you are considering what to do with terminators, There are a couple of things to consider.


1.) what is their role in the army


2.) who will be supporting them


The important points of terminators are thus


Terminators are resilient, even just 5 will eat a lot of fire. But if your opponent gets twenty four wounds against them they will go down. This is not that hard to achieve with many armies right now. This is why they need support. they wont win you the battle on their own they will give your opponent something to think about.


Termies that shoot and assault can cause alot of wounds and kills. However your movement must end close to your opponent. your likely to lose one before he strikes if youve got thundernators or tactical termies due initiative 1.


With hammernators you get a 3++ which pretty is much as good as it gets for marines, and are good for taking on major opponents.


Termies cant sweeping advance. So even if you win assault your opponent will run away and shoot you more. So how do you use them?


Terminators are best used for taking out a high value target. This means that if theres a hive tyrant, a command squad, or a fire base in your opponents deployment zone, terminators can be used to create havoc and try to negate one of the enemies strengths.


Heres how i would use termies


Hammernators if you have fire support they can certainly be great, but make sure to make use of your invulnerable save, go up versus that demon prince or hive tyrant or chaos lord. Remember high value targets.


Tactical these guys have more of a multirole. I would try and get them on the flank of the opponent lines, or in the midst of their fire base. If they have a chainfist they can be very effective vs armor.


Lightning claws. most people wont expect this loadout espcially if you have more than three in a squad. But they will tear apart infantry, especially marines and necrons. Make sure they can be supported by a high initiative model to reduce the enemy chance of escape. This is unit that im not as sure is as useful, and is probably best to mix in with a larger assault squad (6hammers, 4claws) that sort of thing.


This is why you need to know the answers to question 1 and 2.

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I have not yet made a list, so I can not tell you what their role is!


I am planning on doing:

-10 squad with hammernators


-shooty squad with assult cannon, cyclone and chainfists!


If I get a shooty squad, I'll probably drop a librarian and priest in there, if I get an assulty one I will propably only drop the priest in there! (mabey a chaplain for rerolls)


the assulty squad will prbably take on the role of deathstar

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I've tended to run pretty terminator heavy lists in the past and have a disproportionate mix of shooty terminators versus assault terminators. Typically I run more shooty terminators to thin the numbers before the inevitible close combat given that the majority of my points are in elite slots and as such they have to pull double duty as the grot munchers and melee monsters. Pointless drivel aside the composition of your main army is the driving factor in the decision.


Odds are you're going to be lacking the serious heavy melee hitters so the TH/SS teminators will be the most likely candidate. I'd suggest a mechanised approach to at least increase their odds of getting to combat relatively unmolested. As for weapon composition I'd sugges a mix of hammers and claws leaning more heavily towards hammers if only for hitting power and resilience.


Are you planning on running the terminators as one huge unit or two independent units or combat squading one unit?

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As everyone else has already mentioned, it really depends on the list.


I dont like slogging assault terms, which means you're looking at 5, 6, or 8 terms depending on your mode of transport.


Alternatively, if you are rocking tactical squads in rhinos with tele-homers, different story too.


I think theres definitely a place in lists for shooty terms, they soak up some heavy fire, and with corbulo leading and giving FNP, you've got a kick ass shooty hammer.

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When I finish painting my space hulk termies, I'll run a 10man squad with 2 cyclones, corbulo and a libby for those rerolls. They cost a lot of points, but they are stupidly resilient and put down a lot of hurt while walking over the field and threatening key positions. You have to center your list around this deathstar of course, but it's pretty neat.
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Get the Assault Terminators. Simply from the Bitz perspective-- because Lightining Claws are generally hard to come by.


To convert a Terminator Lightning Claw into Power Armor Lightning Claw, simply cut off the power-cable, and cut/dremel away the excess shoulder-plastic until a Power Armor pad fits over it. Hey presto-- all the left or right handed Claws you'd ever need.

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5 tac terms with an asscannon and a chainfist are an awesome anchor.

People forget they are more than capable of battering any none death star unit.

What, you outflanked with some scouts? Kapow!



Seven hammernators with a priest and a hq will wreck almost anything their crusader can get them too.

Claws, no.

Maybe on a captain.


Although i do toy with the idea of marching thirty tac terms across the board :D

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I love shooty terms. Put a sang priest and a libby in and they are golden. They are like not as good palidins :)


Also IMO with look out sir there is little reason to spend points on TDA for the priest and libby. They get a 2+ LOS why do they need a 2+ armor too? Challeneges? Just decline and on init 1 the fists will put a hurting on anything but hammernators.

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I run THSS termies with a Termie Reclusiarch and Termie Sanguinary Priest, they're fearless and super tough with 2+, 3+, 5+ saves. Theyre almost overkill... almost. They are consistently my VIP unit in my army.


The key to assault terminators is, and I think a lot of people forget this, teleport deep striking is a much safer and reliable prospect in 6th edition for terminators. With all those saves they dont have to worry about landing on terrain, all you really have to worry about is table edge and not landing on enemies. They destroy everything.

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which are better TH/SS or LC?


They are used in completely different roles, so neither is "better". I'd run a unit with mostly LC (to kill power armored units) mixed with a few TH/SS for SS saves and punch against 2+ saves and armor.

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which are better TH/SS or LC?


Far too many variables to answer really. Try to narrow it down for us.


In a vacuum?


Any force multipliers?

Rest of army?



I was thinking in general against all comers.

I'd have a chaplain and priest with them in a land raider.

The rest of the army is made up of assault marines with 2-3 preds for heavy support.

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I've had luck running 3SS and 2 LC. Especially with a priest, the LCs will tear up anything that isn't in 2+ armor (S5 on the charge with rerolls to hit and to wound).


If you're running a LR Crusader (which I think you should be), you can have 8 terminators, or 7 plus two power armor guys.


So that's something like 4 TH/SS and 3 LC, then a priest with a PW and the Chappy, both in power armor. Make the terminator sergeant one of the TH/SS guys, and you have 3 different threats for challenges, plus a bunch of AP3 and AP2 attacks.


It's a ton of points, but it's a nasty deathstar with a decent chance to mow through anything without taking any losses.

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which are better TH/SS or LC?


Far too many variables to answer really. Try to narrow it down for us.


In a vacuum?


Any force multipliers?

Rest of army?



I was thinking in general against all comers.

I'd have a chaplain and priest with them in a land raider.

The rest of the army is made up of assault marines with 2-3 preds for heavy support.


In general?


I would say TH/SS, LC are great with a chappy and preist for killing Power Armor troops or worse.


But THSS gets a 3+ save vs monsterous creatures, hit at str 8 or 9, are AP 2, and kill vehicles well.


TH/SS is a deathstar IE expensive and can take on most stuff in the game with good odds,But for the same points you get a unit that is really good at killing stuff you probably should be shooting anyways. And require more tactics to use correctly. MCs will eat you.

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I swear by 5 tactical terminators with a heavy flamer.


They don't break the bank and are great if you don't mind teleporting them in (I don't).


It's one of the two DS units I use to really mess up my enemy's plan, the other being 10 DC with bolters and a couple power fists. I let these boys out in the enemy backyard and watch his plan crumble while I castle up on another part of the table and guard objectives.

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I've had luck running 3SS and 2 LC. Especially with a priest, the LCs will tear up anything that isn't in 2+ armor (S5 on the charge with rerolls to hit and to wound).


LCs will tear up anything that doesnt have a 2+ save.

But so will Hammers.


Hammers will also tear up 2+ saves though.


and tanks, and survive plasma, and tear up MCs.

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I think theres definitely a place in lists for shooty terms, they soak up some heavy fire, and with corbulo leading and giving FNP, you've got a kick ass shooty hammer.

I've used this in 6th, so far the only way I have tried terminators in 6th.

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