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Malus Trux

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What? Another WIP thread so soon after posting the Imperial Fists? Well this army is a bit different. I know from the ground up what I want & already have a bit done. Also, like so many other hobbyists, I have a bit of difficulty sticking to one single project. Without further ado, the first squad of the White Scars 7th Co.



Ah, the Sarge & his right hand man. They usually die first, though not always in that order. As you can probably see, the assistant was formerly pledged from another army but I'm sure he'll look snazzy for his funeral in a white suit.



This model was from the same army as the assistant but got a new coat of primer to start off the new army. Of course a new look showed a LOT of mold lines & these guys are waiting to get another coat so they can look like badasses.



Greetings Citizen. A word please...


Ok that's it for now but I'm currently assembling the second squad.

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Not bad since I already like the poses...but something is missing, like it doesn't seem like they are moving. Might just be me since I love rapid moving marines and such :). But looking good brother, can't wait to see more of the Khans sons
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Well the assistant & attack bike were pretty old so I didn't put much thought in them & the sarge is pretty old so his pose isn't that dynamic but I plan on adding bits & hopefully adding a paint job that makes it look like they're moving. Actually the more I look at the sarge, the more I feel he's either waiting in a traffic jam or signalling a turn.
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Hmm, I'll see if I can help you with that Friday, if you're there. We need to get your blog rolling again.


Anyways back to the Scars 2nd squad



Ah here is a second sarge & his assistant. Like the other pair, they will die first, most likely. Hmm, I just realized these guys are some of the few "new" bikers while the others are formerly from other armies. Like giving them a new home.



Another pair of Marines are awaiting their new colors. Soon they shall no longer be homeless. This pair especially so, as I never finished this Attack Bike Squadron for their parent army (meant to get 2 more)



This flamer was donated by the Ultramarines as part of their revolutionary "Guns for Knives" program. For only 5 points, you too can help a Marine get a warm meal.



The 5th man kinda got delayed as I got side tracked as I purchased this...



...and made this. His bike still needs work but soon my conversion beam Techmarine Biker shall ride!

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So I meant to get some work on my Imperial Fists done today but I forgot my primer :sick:


Oh well, bad news for the Fists, good news for the Scars.



Ok, no real work on these guys here. They were part of another forum's official SM chapter but when the forum went nuclear, the chapter went under & these guys were also homeless. Fortunately they fit in perfectly in this company of speed freaks. They just need a fresh coat of white.



Ah, here's the real meat of this update. I wanted this guy to fit on a regular bike base instead of the the sidecar I see everywhere. One thing though, I am torn on whether or not to keep that helmet on him.



Did you see the size of that cannon? It was bigger than he was. I had originally planned on gluing in that cannon conversion beamer but I found out it transports much better with it loose & friction keeps it in just fine.

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  • 5 months later...

Ok with a pledge for the ETL finalized, here's what I'm bringing to the table for my first vow.


ETL Vow 1

White Scars

HQ: 680
HQ 1:
Khan (or Captain if you're one of Roboute's boys)
Power Fist
Lightning Claw
Artificer Armor

HQ 2:
Master of the Forge
Conversion Beamer
Power Weapon

HQ 3:
Great Khan Jubal (or Chapter Master if you prefer)
Artificer Armor
Relic Blade
Storm Shield

HQ 4:
Stormseer (the wrath of the Dewey decimal system that is the Librarian for other Chapters)

Troop: 540
Troop 1:
Biker Squad (4 Marines)
2 Meltaguns
Attack Bike

Troop 2:
Biker Squad (4 Marines)
2 Flamers
Attack Bike

Troop 3:
Tactical Squad

Fast Attack: 325
Fast Attack 1:
Starring Land Speeder Tempest as Storm Talon (the cool one)
Typhoon Missile Launcher

Fast Attack 2:
Land Speeder
Typhoon Missile Launcher

Fast Attack 3:
Land Speeder
Typhoon Missile Launcher

Heavy Support: 85
Heavy Support 1:

1630 points


Not pictured: the Khan, Great Khan or Stormseer. I'm ordering these guys next weekend from GW.



So these guys are not strictly White Scars, well one of them is. Meet Kill-Team Dagger. Anyways, as they're included with the vow, they will share the spotlight here.

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Some quick updates.



Here's the first 3 models done for my ETL vow for the Codex Space Marine Forums. The only thing I have to do for these guys is put a chapter symbol on the White Scar's shoulder pad.



I love the fact one of these is a Dark Angel. Its like he's cheating on his chapter.



Work on the Iron Hand, Space Wolf & Imperial Fist has begun.

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Here's the next trio of Dagger Squad



I would introduce the guys but I just realized I've got no names for them... Hmm...



Well anyways here's the team's resident heavy wep specialist. Imperial Fist of course.



Hey, what was that?

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Thanks. I'm sure the Space Wolves would want to talk to theirs as well but not like that's important whistling.gif




Here's my count as Stormtalon and my first finished unit for the ETL II.


So lets see what to work on next...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty, so I'm overdue for an update but first for fun here's these 2:






This was a game I saw when I walked into my local GW. BassWave was playing another Marine player & I wanted to see who'd notice the extra flyer.



Anyways, here's the start on Stormseer Tangre. I'm entering him in Grotsmasha's Libby conversion contest as well as the ETL.



He's needs a bit of work still, the hand will be holding a flame of some sort to represent Avenger for now & whatever power is in the new dex. Also his topknot is defying physics but hey that's librarians psykers for ya.



Also this is the only Heavy Support I've got for the army. I've got nothing but bikes & vehicles so if the enemy is stealth/shrouded in 3rd story cover I'm otherwise screwed.



I forgot to take a shot of the back, intending to show off the very clean rear propellant vents but I suppose the clean front of the turret works just as well. I like to say the White Scars got this second hand from another chapter, but in mint condition, i.e. never fired. After all, when's the last time you saw a whirlwind being fielded?

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