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New Citadel paint problems

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Anyone else having problems with these paints?


I was not impressed with either of these. The primer is lacking pigment and does not cover properly at all... The Abbadon Black (fka Chaos Black) seemed almost like a thick black wash.


Any thoughts on this?



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I found some of the new paints had teething problems (bad batches) and some of them are just awful.


I've seen a guy's yellow all gritty like a textured paint and some of the base colours are really thin.


If you have trouble with it, I recommend Vallejo Game Colour. GW paints are generally quite good, but seem hit and miss since the change over.




I haven't had any problems with any of the changeover paints, but I've unfortunately not tried either of these. I've even shot the Doombull Brown and Evil Suns Scarlet through an airbrush and have no complaints.


I like P3 paints as well. I use P3 Thalmor Black and Morrow White (both brush and airbrush) quite a bit and am very satisfied with both colors.

Apart from one instance of the primer behaving strangely (on a Finecast model...) I've got zero complaints about it. Brushes on well, and I've thinned it and put it on with my airbrush and its worked great. The Caliban Green is the only other new paint I've tried and that is awesome too. Covers black well (takes a few more layers to cover lighter colours...) and thins down to even glaze like consistency without problems.


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