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I get mine from The War Store (aka Battlewagon Bitz) but then I will usually be buying bits from them anyway.


I have also bought from K&J Magnetics before. They are reliable and one of the lowest priced places.


I think both of these are on the wrong side of the water for you, tho.

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I've used ebay for ones I have, but only been for inf sized ones so far (1*3mm I think) and can usually pick them up about 2.50 for hundred of the buggers. Not sure what online retailers we have on this side of the pond (keep seeing them for the yanks not here!) so will keep an eye for any good recomendations too
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I know it's (compared to other suggestions) a fairly cheap alternative, but my local toystore sells a certain toykit, containing a lot of iron balls and blue/red/green/yellow plastic tubes with a magnet on both ends. They're strong magnets, strong enough to hold a Dreadnought arm and bigger. The downside is that they're fairly big (4.5mm if I remember correctly), which is exactly the size of a Dreadnought socket pin.


The sets cost about what, 10 euros depending on size, and offer you around 50 to 100 magnets per kit -- enoguh to last you some time. I'm afraid I can't give you a name, so you're probably best off taking a loot at your local toystore's wares.


Best of luck!

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