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Commencing on the road to rot....


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New user, coming back to the hobby after years... picked up the Dark Vengeance box set and then went a bit crazy with the plastic so to speak. I had previously been building scale model aircraft so had already got a lot of paints, tools etc. but just got bored with toeing the line and painting aircraft as they are supposed to be.

So.... I liked the freedom that chaos gives, I admit.. I am a heretic... I just want to share some stuff I have been working on:



The DV dark angel autocannon terminator, converted to chaos with the forgeworld torso:


Lightning claw Terminator, lightning claws taken from spare warp talon stuff:


Nurgle aligned Warp Talon, with harpy wings from the dark elf harpy set. I understand a lot of people don't rate them as a unit, I just liked the models and how the army looks is the most important thing to me. Style over substance I guess:


I'm gonna go with this is enough for now. I haven't played a game yet, still want to just work on the paintjobs. Any comments or whatever welcome, thanks.

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Thanks Tim, much appreciated man!

A few more bits and pieces kitbashed, converted, painted up etc:

Model I plan on becoming champion of the warp talon unit:


My first rhino ever:


Plague marine squad:


Hellbrute (not exactly sure about this one):


Chosen toting a modified Bolter (in my mind made to look like a chaos warped Barrett .50):


Again, comments/criticism greatly appreciated. Further pictures are up in my gallery.



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Love the Champ and Marines - and that Bolter armed Marine is fantastic - great job!


Hellbrute needs something more, I think a contrast of some description - or closer to the style of the rest of your army, as I just don't think he does justice to the rest of your fantastic models.

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Thanks for the nice comments everyone. The crusty effect comes from a mix of sugar and baking soda mixed with any paint and painted on before I start applying the relevant colours.


and that Hellbrute needs to take a walk.... you are right he doesn't fit with the rest of the lads. Which is why I have a second Hellbrute being assembled, I think maybe change out the melta to a reaper and remodel the power claw to become more Nurglesque. And he'll certainly be getting a dose of the crusty treatment.


I just this evening finished painting the chaos cultists that come with DV. I really do not like the models at all... just a little uninspiring. Hopefully some washes will do something.. I dunno.


Talking of washes, what do people think of the new washes from GW? I like the seraphim sepia but prefer the army painter stuff for darker tones. Other than that I like to use a really watered down burnt umber by daler rowney.


I'll throw up some pictures of the cultists when I think i'm happy enough with them... time will tell.


as for painting that Talon champ, that will have to wait, the weather is really damp here at the minute so not conducive to using spray primer unfortunately.... curse this irish weather, though christmas is just around the corner so that may bring some lovely surprises as I have been dropping heavy hints with family and friends.....


once again, thanks for your comments, cheers!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again, been working away while the wind drives the rain hard outside... :huh:

Expanding on the 40k beastman idea:





there's a full squad of ten, kitted out as per rules regarding a 10 man csm squad. I don't think that anyone who plays to win would allow me to field them however, I like the look of them. My idea fluff-wise for them is that they are brutally simple creatures devolved from being human. They worship Nurgle in his horned aspect as they believe him to be the most ancient horned beastman/founding father. They form part of a Tainted Nurgle warband as the Tainted have mutants.

Also finished up painting my second Plague marine squad:




after this I am currently working on a havoc squad painted up as Dark Tusks. I like the fact that this warband are canon yet the description is so flimsy and allows for artistic licence..

Also, finished the cultists for what they are worth, didn't really enjoy building/painting them but I guess having a cheap shield is handy to get the real sloggers into combat..



Also on the cards is more terminators. I have more DG termie torsos but I think i'm going to explore the possibilities dark tusk wise with regard to the tusked heads that come with the GW kit... of which I have two and my idea is for a heavy hitting cc squad.. Also bought bikes, rhinos and the Nurgle Apostate preachers from forgeworld.

With holiday season upon us there is a LOT more free time! :)

hopefully have another update soonish..

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Anyone who doesn't let you use the beastmen CSM squad isn't worth playing. By all means they are wysiwyg. Power armor? Check. Backpack? Check. Boltguns and such? Check. I'm using chaos knights converted up as bikers. It's more the effort that you put into them, not just some cheap money saving conversion.
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Cheers Tim for the words of encouragement! Loving your horses as bikes army! Some lovely sculpting work there.

Been carving plasticard today making a new power claw/fist for my second take on the hellbrute as I wasn't happy with the first. I consider the claws a success because my girlfriend saw them, freaked out and asked me if they were real claws... once I get them on the hellbrute i'll post a pic..

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, while the board was down I got on with building and painting and whatnot... and this is what happened:

Ebol'as the Festering Claw:


Hmayak the Hated, Hellbrute with reaper autocannon:


Arminius Masoch "blight fly" Chaos lord raptor:




Besnik Ironhand:


Efram the disfigured:


Sh'ai of the Hidden Hand:


Shy'tssk fly tongue:


Come at me bro:


and please check out my gallery for other images. As always c&c most welcome!


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thanks for the comments guys.


Chaeron - as a matter of interest, what would you change about the back? I should say that upon looking at the picture again I don't like it in the picture. However in the flesh it looks different, I'm still learning how to light stuff up. 



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It may just be the picture - but it looks like you've given it a decent paint job, then splattered it with white paint! Perhaps the effect is lost unless you're there in real life - but it looks strange from here, particularly given how good the front looks!

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Chaeron, I now understand. There isn't a lick of white paint near that model, what has happened there is bad lighting of the photo on my part. ha! I need to sort out proper light diffusers so the glare is not nearly so harsh. I will try again once I have the lighting sorted.

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This is very inspiring stuff, Sedition. I have some warp talon bits floating around- now I see that they need to be combined with FW plague marine bits! That glorious raptor lord made me weep! The palanquin lord looks great too! Keep it up!

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Oh they totally need to be combined with WT bits. The forgeworld stuff is so good, just amazing detail to paint!


Only thing is i'm now working on a slightly different project, kind of overloaded on Nurgle in a small timeframe. Working on a small Khorne detachment and (braving the storm here) a small Dark Eldar force. just to mix things up.


But I do have a helldrake on the way albeit very slightly converted and I will be revisiting my Nurgle force. I intend to develop a litlle backstory concerning Sh'ai of the Hidden Hand, working the cult angle, just to give more of a story when gaming.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't been lazy did a few things....

Nurgle Lord:


Preacher of Nurgle, would be used instead of that awful dark apostle monstrosity:


And some warp talons that I could use too if so inclined:


Apart from these lads I have also started a Khorne Detachment which I shall be posting photos of across on the Khorne forum.

And I just played my second game on Sunday past and I kinda got taken apart by a blinking Forgefiend, let's just say I currently have a Helldrake kitbash on the go........

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Some really nice work here. I like that you've got several of the Vraks warbands in your force, I'm a big fan of the tainted and you've captured the feel of them well. It's good to see banners full of script on Nurgle minis as well.


You've got a great maggotty looking off-white (especially on your helbrute and the pauldrons of your warp talons) - how did you do that?

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Yeah I really like the Vraks stuff, gives a different twist and really pushes what can be done within the aesthetic of the Death Guard. The script on the banners was put together after looking through Realms of Chaos and other older chaos stuff. 


The off white is basically a good solid base of army painter bleached bone, a wash of AP dark tone and then a light drybrush of bleached bone. You gotta take it slowly or it can be ruined. It helps that in most instances various tones of green are juxtaposed next to whatever gets the bone treatment. I might even throw in a slight wash of seraphim sepia on the lower parts that don't get hit by direct light from above.

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