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Lord w/ spawn retinue


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Ok, im going to try out a spawn rush list w/ 15 MoN spawn. The only hard spot i have in my list if trying to figure out how to arm my lord. Do i keep him cheap and run him w/ some PMs or mabye bulk him up and give him a Palaquin or do i give hima Jump pack to hop around or a bike to run with spawn. If i give him a bike or Jump pack how would you equip your lord? HELP, to omany discissions
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I agree with circus nurgling totally. If you want to run him with the spawn, a bike is the only way to go. The extra toughness and high speed will help you immensely if those spawn die. If you do run him that way, he's only 145 pts on a bike with a sigil of corruption and power axe.
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