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Hell drake


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After seeing a few of these pop up.


Made me start to think of there worth there points in DG list. There cheap point wise and can shut down other flyiers. The flamer and auto cannon are both good.


However it feels out of place in a DG list.


What everyone else thoughts on it?

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I use one with the baleflamer in every single list I play. I will never go without it now, as it tears most flyers apart, and it absolutely shreds heavy support units like devastators, long fangs, and havocs. I have found it more than worth it, and in fact, I have found it to be so devastatingly effective that my buddies complain that chaos is broken. The first time you fly in on turn two, vector strike someone's stormtalon and nuke it, and then baleflamer an entire squad of devastators into oblivion, you will be sold on it.


Death Guard are known to use daemon allies, and daemon engines definitely fall into that category, so I have no qualms about using one.

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Yeah, at first I was really disappointed, but then I actually bought it, mostly because I had no idea how I was going to make a cool conversion of it, and then I fell in love with the model. The pics they took totally don't do it justice. It is an absolutely stunning model, to me at least.
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I didn't think you were, I was just saying you might want to give it a chance, because those pics GW took of it..... whoever that photographer was should be fired. Today. Because I almost didn't buy the model because of those pictures, and they are nothing like what it actually looks like. Those pics really do make it look like a giant flying turkey, and it looks nothing like that in real life.
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Hi, Thank's for the input going to add one to my army ASAP.


The baleflamer is better than the autocannon?


I was looking for a soild AA threat and something to augment my list and give a different dimension and threat.


As far as fitting it in to the DG, could always argue that the flames are poison gas. After reading the first HH book and use of the phosepfer ( spelling is way off). I could fit it that way.


Now I just got figure out what to drop of out my list.

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In my humble opinion the baleflamer is much better then the hades autocannon. Take 4 dice and roll it vs targets you are likely to shoot against (my form of math hammer). I generally got 1-2 hits, and then maybe a glance.


A well timed baleflamer shot can remove a squad, and has a huge threat range (measure 48 inches from your board edge and place the flamer there, that is how far it can shoot when it comes on).


Also you could paint greed sludge dripping from it and call it a slime/snot/poison gas/something nurgley launcher :)

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Yes, the baleflamer is really easy to justify in a death guard list, and the vector strike is plenty of AA threat. I've taken down stormtalons in one turn with it. It does work, and nurglez is totally right about the flamer, too. It's so good against ground targets that not taking it is just kind of foolish, really. The hades cannon, sadly, just doesn't make its points back like the flamer does.
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i realy wanted to use a heldrake in my deathguard list but felt it didnt fit so i went about making a conversion of a giant blight drone im in the progress of doing , you can see it here http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/showthread.php?t=118974, i will be getting it put up with my DG force on this site as soon as i can get time to.



That's excellent idea. Looking pretty darn good too. Can't wait to see final product :)

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I've seen a few like that, and that design looks great. I've 2 stock heldrakes needing some love before they are ready for painting, guess if I'm ever wanting to run 3 of them I may make one like that...


Cypher_89, I'm pretty sure the joins between engines and bug are the back legs from the defiler, the bit where there is 3 pistons :D

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I've seen a few like that, and that design looks great. I've 2 stock heldrakes needing some love before they are ready for painting, guess if I'm ever wanting to run 3 of them I may make one like that...


Cypher_89, I'm pretty sure the joins between engines and bug are the back legs from the defiler, the bit where there is 3 pistons :devil:

thanks for the comments i will get a WIP log up on this site later today so u guys can see how it progresses


yeah i found the guys post who made the one on the GW site and mailed him asking what the bit was, and ive just ordered some defiler legs last week to start to build the propulsion system.

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