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Chaos Landraider variants


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Dude just play SW . you get the double specials csm, icons , marks , DP[TWC lords] , cultists[iG ally as battlebrothers] sorc[RP] smiths and apostols[iron and wolf priest may not be optimal , but man they are hell lot of better then those chaos has] . you can get chosen or terminator chosen , you have a bigger access to flyers [just battlebrother in some BAs with SR].

If you want quality of game play for longer then a few months just switch , dont think twice . Because you may end up like some people who waited 5 years , saw the dex and quit .



That seems to be a rhetorical question. I played Chaos 3rd edition briefly in my starry-eyed younger days, but I paused for awhile around the time the Gavdex happened. So, no, I didn't.

no not realy . I think Legatus found the gav dex awesome and better then 3.5 for chaos . Anyway take it from someone who played NM just to be wee different for 5 years . It is not worth it , faction loyality died with 4th ed , when GW decide that they will glue army types to specific chapters[see what I did there , I didnt say legions ;) ]. pick a codex you like game play wise and play it , dont let anyone tell you that just because their codex is awesome [or just good] you should be playing a suck one , just because GW doesnt know how to fix your faction [well that is more a nid thing , but I think you are getting me] or the dex just sucks for you .

Want good LR ? play an army with good LR . you will be happy and that is the most important thing .

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Dude just play SW . you get the double specials csm, icons , marks , DP[TWC lords] , cultists[iG ally as battlebrothers] sorc[RP] smiths and apostols[iron and wolf priest may not be optimal , but man they are hell lot of better then those chaos has] . you can get chosen or terminator chosen , you have a bigger access to flyers [just battlebrother in some BAs with SR].

If you want quality of game play for longer then a few months just switch , dont think twice . Because you may end up like some people who waited 5 years , saw the dex and quit .


The day I play as Space Wolves is the day I quit the hobby.

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maybe dark angels when the new codex hits? :blink:


I've always wanted to start a Dark Angels army, just never got around to it. With any luck, Ward can make them more playable without royally screwing up the fluff.

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Loyalist predators are one entry now too. I'd like to see our landraider have the ability to take twin linked autocannons, or reaper autocannons instead of lascannons, while maintaining the heavy bolters. It'd be about 10-20 pts cheaper than the crusader and have the same transport capacity. Now that we have cultists who can take heavy stubbers I'd like to see an option to take one on our vehicles, for about 5 pts. Even without POTMS this would be adequate. Give it the ability to take a POTMS equivalent and it'd be gold.
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With any luck, Ward can make them more playable without royally screwing up the fluff.


He's going to make them game-dominatingly powerful and screw up the fluff, more than likely. They're the flagship army for the whole edition, they're going to be GK-level.


What I don't understand about CSM land raiders being as awful as they are is why GW would go out of their way (which they must have, because removing transport capacity and PotMS from the basic LR was a decision someone made and then someone else decided not to fix) to make a unit with one of the most expensive model kits undesirable to players. I really don't get that. Was the idea that everyone would buy fiends instead, guaranteeing that they sold well?

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Nah, because the Defiler isn't appreciably worse than the fiends. Not that good, either, but not worse. I just think that nobody really went through this book unit by unit, option by option, to ask basic questions like


What are players supposed to fine exciting about this option?


What exactly is this units role on the table?


Is that role sufficiently unique within the faction?


Does that role still exist within the 6e rules framework?


Does this option actually do what it's supposed to do?


What is a reasonable points cost for this option, that won't be prohibitive, but also won't cause it to overshadow other, similar options?

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Yes malisteen. Instead ole Philly was asking:


When is lunch?


How would Lelith look without that little thong of hers?


I wonder what planet Matt Ward is from.


Scotch or Bourbon?


Oh you wanted the Chaos codex done by WHEN?

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Yes malisteen. Instead ole Philly was asking:


When is lunch?


How would Lelith look without that little thong of hers?


I wonder what planet Matt Ward is from.


Scotch or Bourbon?


Oh you wanted the Chaos codex done by WHEN?

Now, to be fair, those are all legitimate questions that need answers. All except the 4th, since scotch is clearly superior.

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The only booze is vodka.


If you're a peasant working on a turnip farm, or needing something to mix with Red Bull. :o


Rum is clearly the holiest of liquors. Why? Not just because of being the drink of choice for all manner of pirate and the Royal Navy (which could be argued is just me repeating myself), but people used to buy rum with people. The best part is that not only could you buy rum with people, you could buy other things with rum, like people and wars and political elections. That's right, rum is money as well as being the Boss Tier of booze. The American Revolution? Sugar Tax = no molasses for rum = revolution. The Australian Rum Rebellion? It's in the name. Exsanguiniating the body of Horatio Nelson after Trafalgar? His men drank his blood from the cask of rum he was being stored in. Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade? Funded with rum.


You can't fade rum. It's a beast.

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Whats wrong with mead?


you decide:


mead is propably the oldest form of produced alcohol humanity knows of. Originally (around the zagros mountains in modern iran), they used to gut a cow, hang the carcass in a mountain cave, settle bees inside and wait until the buggers transformed all the entrails into their new hive. then they came with torches to take the honey, mix it with water, put that into bags made from goatskin and laid then down under the sun for 40 days. On the 40th day, you would get what the greeks later called "hydromeli" and what then became known as "mead" or "meth" because of it's effect: "being drunken" in ancient greek means "methyskein".


I find that reassuring in my assertion of it being the best kind of alcohol, but others may think otherwise ;D

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as gw dosent get hints, why dont we create our own varients, or options for fun and apoc? being able to replace that heavy bolter with a balestorm flamer/ plas cannon/reaper autocannon and the sponson las with autocannons /heavy bolters /heavy flamers?

other wanted options?

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Wow this thread went off on a tangent... also, why argue which drink is best when you can have Mead (not Lindisfarm, you can burn in hell Lindisfarm), Dalwhinnie 12 year Whiskey, and Black Kraken Rum, all in the same night. This has been my night many a time, I just try not to think of the effect in the morning.


And that's the problem isn't it. Everyone else is Drinking fine mead, Dalwhinnie Whiskey and Black Kraken Rum and we have Lindisfarm mead... the cheap overpriced plonk that everyone can get but no one chooses because the other choices are not only better but simply more enjoyable. Why take a Godhammer *ahem* I mean Lindisfarm when you can have a Mead with PotMS or even better a Dalwhinnie Prometheus or a Black Kraken Crusader.


When everyone is having fun with their quality drinks, we've got Lindisfarm, and we paid the same price as they did for thier, higher quality, more involving, more enjoyable product.The only fun you have with Lindisfarm is when you pay the same amount again for a mixer of Terminator or Berzerker, and it's still not as good and just as expensive as the Dalwhinnie and it's mixer... which is better.


Screw it I'm making my own Mead... I mean Land Raider (well I might make mead as well). Here you go guys (this is based on the assumption that a Land Raider with no weapons is 170 points)


Land Raider Moniack

Points: 210

Transport Capacity: 10

Weapons: 2 Reaper Autocannons, 1 twin linked Heavy Bolter

Special Rules: None

Options: Can replace Reaper Autocannons for either Hades Autocannons or Ectoplasma Cannons for no extra cost. Can replace the Heavy Bolter for either a Reaper Autocannon, Hades Auto Cannon or EctoPlasma cannon for 10 points



Land Raider Kraken

Points: 260

Transport Capacity: 15

Special Rules: Daemon, Daemon Forge, It Will not Die, Daemonic Maw, Daemonic Possession

Weapons: 3 twin linked heavy bolters

Daemonic Maw: The Krakens Power Plant is nothing more than a ravening Fanged Maw that hungers for flesh. The controlling Player may elect to Sacrifice a friendly non vehicle unit within 6" of the Kraken at the start of the Movement phase. The unit takes D3 wounds (no saves allowed) and the Kraken gains the Fast rule for the rest of the turn

NOTE: Kraken is BS 3


Basic Assault Transport A (Converted Rhino/Predator with assault Ramp)

Points: 60

Armour: 12:12:10

Transport: 10

Special Rules: Assault Vehicle

Weapons: Combi Bolter

Options: As Rhino, the Combibolter can be upgraded to a Combi flamer/melta/plasma for 5 points


Basic Assault Transport B (daemon Engine)

Points: 80

Armour: 12:12:10

Transport: 10

Special Rules: Assault Vehicle, Daemon, It will not die, Daemonic possession,

Weapons: Combi Bolter

Options: As Rhino, the Combibolter can be upgraded to a Combi flamer/melta/plasma for 5 points


That took me 10 minutes to think of and write... would it have been so hard for Kelly to think of something like that? Even the frickin Kraken idea would only need an extra small sprue.

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I just had a horrible thought, what if GW are now deliberately leaving gaping holes in armies not just to promote allies, but so that they can sell you the half they left out in a WD in the future??

I agree with the pint of sambuka we got given for the cost of everyone else's kracken and Glenfiddich certainly leaves a bad taste in your mouth along with an unpleasant burning sensation.

Ahh tangents....

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The only booze is vodka.


If you're a peasant working on a turnip farm, or needing something to mix with Red Bull. :)


Rum is clearly the holiest of liquors. Why? Not just because of being the drink of choice for all manner of pirate and the Royal Navy (which could be argued is just me repeating myself), but people used to buy rum with people. The best part is that not only could you buy rum with people, you could buy other things with rum, like people and wars and political elections. That's right, rum is money as well as being the Boss Tier of booze. The American Revolution? Sugar Tax = no molasses for rum = revolution. The Australian Rum Rebellion? It's in the name. Exsanguiniating the body of Horatio Nelson after Trafalgar? His men drank his blood from the cask of rum he was being stored in. Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade? Funded with rum.


You can't fade rum. It's a beast.

rum freezes in normal weather conditions , it is a sucktastic type of alkohol anything that is under 64% cant be transported or even drunk outside of a building [unless someone wants to drink the whole bottle in one gulp , but A where is the fun in that B you freez because you will pass out] . But worse of all it has a taste . An alkohol should not have taste , it is unnatural . It was ok for XVI-XVII cent sailors because it was cheap to produce and was high on suger , which coupled with the intoxicating effect made hunger smaller .




As the GW sells policy goes . Who knows Mr rune priest , GW did crazy stuff like that before. they made nids , tervigon a must have, super zoey a must have . no models created for years.

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Never blame malice for what can be laid at the feet of incompetence. What does the 6e book look like? The 4e book with minimal changes and some half baked additions stapled on. What would have been the least amount of effort for a designer that didn't care much about the project he was working on? The 4e book with minimal changes and some half baked additions stapled on.


You think this is a plan to deliberately leave gaps in new armies that need to be filled by allies, and the gaps we ended up with just happened to be the gaps we had to start? Sure. Yeah. I bet it's that. I bet the problem with this book is that they put too much thought into it, not too little, and the result just happens to look the same.



As for designing our own variants - why bother. In APO you can already take whatever you want from whatever codex you want, just steal the marine variant you happen to like the most. In non-apoc games, who's going to let you play homebrew stuff, anyway? Nobody I know. You'd have a better chance of getting people to let you play the 3.5 book.

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