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Chaos Landraider variants


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rum freezes in normal weather conditions , it is a sucktastic type of alkohol anything that is under 64% cant be transported or even drunk outside of a building [unless someone wants to drink the whole bottle in one gulp , but A where is the fun in that B you freez because you will pass out] . But worse of all it has a taste . An alkohol should not have taste , it is unnatural . It was ok for XVI-XVII cent sailors because it was cheap to produce and was high on suger , which coupled with the intoxicating effect made hunger smaller .

This is the most Russian thing that I think I have ever read.

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Well Jeske, not everyone lives where it's so cold. Rum was popular in the tropics where it doesn't get cold enough to freeze. Notably, because sugar cane grows in warm climates.


Also, I dearly wish there were a way to change weapons on the landraider even if nothing else. Especially if said rules could make for cheaper raiders. I would actually even opt for more expense if it meant I could make it a serious gun barge. There's plenty to be wishlisted here, but weapon changes are definately my number one.

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In the end I see it this way . Either all factions get the same LR [dull but makes sense] with some faction specific differences[bAs can deep strike , DA get hvy plasma sponsons and options to switch the hvy bolter to twin hvy plasma etc] or make chaos one totaly different . make it truely demonic , no transport cappacity . str7 t7 6w MC str , demonic with possible marks taken and a rule that lets it eat models to regain wounds . make it high cost 300pts without marks . a bit like tha maulerfiend was durning the playtests . It would be different and maybe would spark different builds .


Ah and man is not made to live where it is warm . Warm is unnatural . the history of man is the history of winter and cold . Even Jesus , himself a man-god, knew that it is best to come on earth durning the harshest winter time in january. If cold is good for Jesus it is should be good enough for man .

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The movement of Hominins and modern humans into the colder areas was several thousand years after they had settled in the warmer areas, and the populated areas went back and forth due to oscalations in the weather conditions, with colder areas being abandond as the ice sheets drew close, though we have no idea how the neanderthalls survived in Britain during MIS 3.
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Land Raider options or the option for a Monstrous Creature version (a la the Soul Grinder) would just be better than the hunk of over-costed, expensive £ wise thing that we have now :/


@ Jeske: No... he's saying that traditionally our first ancestors (that is: your ancestors and mine/ all cave men) traditionally preferred warmer climates- they moved away from the cold places to find warm areas. It was only later on (in more civilised times of expansion) that they settled in the colder areas of the world and stayed there...


Or at least that's how I'm reading it. Seriously, chill out either way.

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That is what I was going for, so population movements from the Acheulian to the Neolithic really, with some before hand. Just what is vodka made of? And to connect it back to the topic, we're stuck with Neanderthals whilst the loyalists get homo sapient and all their toys, or at least, that's what the army lists feel like...
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Or at least that's how I'm reading it. Seriously, chill out either way.

Which is a hilarious choice of words, given that you are addressing a Russian regarding cold temperatures . . . :lol:


By the by, I would just like to say that this is my favorite off topic thread ever.


It is quite goofy that monstrous creatures make better/more dependable shooting platforms than vehicles. Silly edition rules.

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No... he's saying that traditionally our first ancestors (that is: your ancestors and mine/ all cave men) traditionally preferred warmer climates- they moved away from the cold places to find warm areas. It was only later on (in more civilised times of expansion) that they settled in the colder areas of the world and stayed there...

Russians didnt come from anywhere . We were always here , I frown at the insinuation that the territory we hold now wasnt ours or that we came from some other place or worse that we share ancestry with other people from other places. the very idea that we and other people could have anything incommon is an alien idea to me . the Russian would not be as superior as he is , if his superiority wasnt his own trait , god given and making him different from any other type of human in the world .

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I'm pretty sure the jeske is being sarcastic guys, you can stop with the Wikipedia-hero stuff on human descent. Actually, I think quite a few of jeske's posts are tongue in cheek and people just take it at face value and run with it which has a hand in earning hin his "reputation". Anyway, it's pretty obvious that Kelly just copypasted the Gavdex LR entry as he didn't even put back the infernal machine rule or increase transport capacity. I guess there is a chance that we will get something via WD update, but I think it's more likely that the sun will explode.
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If we even did get a new land raider variant I reckon it would be very cool if CSM got a Land Raider Obliterator with 3 sets of Obliterator weapons able to morph them each turn plus some awesome Daemonic rule maybe got even cooler guns by eating stuff as well as being able to dedicate them to each god


We also need a larger transport LR like crusader as well

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If we even did get a new land raider variant I reckon it would be very cool if CSM got a Land Raider Obliterator with 3 sets of Obliterator weapons able to morph them each turn plus some awesome Daemonic rule maybe got even cooler guns by eating stuff as well as being able to dedicate them to each god

That sounds great- I want that! That is a vehicle I might actually buy, it sounds so fun.


I nominate TeutonicAvenger for the GW design team.

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No... he's saying that traditionally our first ancestors (that is: your ancestors and mine/ all cave men) traditionally preferred warmer climates- they moved away from the cold places to find warm areas. It was only later on (in more civilised times of expansion) that they settled in the colder areas of the world and stayed there...

Russians didnt come from anywhere . We were always here , I frown at the insinuation that the territory we hold now wasnt ours or that we came from some other place or worse that we share ancestry with other people from other places. the very idea that we and other people could have anything incommon is an alien idea to me . the Russian would not be as superior as he is , if his superiority wasnt his own trait , god given and making him different from any other type of human in the world .

I want to be your neighbor.. and possibly film a sitcom.

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If we even did get a new land raider variant I reckon it would be very cool if CSM got a Land Raider Obliterator with 3 sets of Obliterator weapons able to morph them each turn plus some awesome Daemonic rule maybe got even cooler guns by eating stuff as well as being able to dedicate them to each god

That sounds great- I want that! That is a vehicle I might actually buy, it sounds so fun.


I nominate TeutonicAvenger for the GW design team.


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Like hell our culture owe you :yes: here in scandinavia...


Besides, nobody originated from russia that first didn't originate from africa, you are just a waypoint to the humans on their way to Europe, Australia and America...


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I'm 12, what am I reading?

Holy Crap. lOl


Anyhow, I like the Jeske's idea of having a chaos specific land raider. While I am not against using forgeworld models and rules, I will try to stay away from using them as I have never seen a IA/HH/AI book with my own eyes (aka in person) those proving that (at least in my local) they are not being used. And they do seem overly expensive. I mean land raiders in general just have that feel, unless fighting at higher point values, it seems like it's a good chunk of your army. But thats just me.


Though I wouldn't make it like a monstrous creature. I could see something with assault vehicle and upgraded troop capacity.

I think that some fun stuff could be done with vehicle marks too.

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This thread is exactly why I love the Chaos Ascendant community. Group hug guys, group hug. Ok move your hand malisteen.


Where do you want me to move it, exactly?



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Yeah, more variety in transport vehicles had a whole would be nice. Looking at the (BL) fluff the Dark Mechanicum have had a lot more freedom to go in any deranged direction they wanted in the past ten millennia.


Personally I want a Hades Autocannon equipped variant ^^

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