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Chaos Landraider variants


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If this blatant and pointless negativity, that has been around since our 4th edition codex first surfaced is to fit as the norm, then I don't want to be a chaos player anymore. I'm tired of watching people snapping at each other like dogs (even I am guilty of this) and constantly pointing the finger at someone or something else out of spite instead of actually looking forward and enjoying the codex we have. Its not a fun environment to be around or in and quite frankly want no part of it anymore.
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Then leave.


I'm not even playing, here. Leave the forums, or at least this subforum, and just have fun your way at your place and pretend the internet doesn't exist. Or go play Templars, or better yet Wolves or Blood Angels or Dark Eldar. Sure, you'll have complaints and wishlists and whatnots, but it won't be as bad as the chaos community is going to be, certainly for another several months and probably for another several years. Especially if Matt Ward writes the Dark Angels book that everyone expects him to write, because in that case the misery will never shrivel up & die, it will instead be renewed with every new player who picked the chaos marines in the starter box because they looked cooler only to realize their mistake once they and their friend start actually playing with their models.


Go and play another faction instead, one with a more upbeat community.


I'll give you a hint, though. It isn't the fans of the other books that are different, it's the books themselves. Tyranid and Chaos fans are not naturally more negative people than Guard or Blood Angel players.

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Negativity is what bothers you? We are all entitled to our own opinions, of course, but that works both ways. Many of us do not like this codex. At all.

Giving voice to our dissatisfaction is not wrong, in-and-of itself. Some might say that there is an inordinate amount of 'codex hate,' but I say there is a lot of stuff in this book to dislike.


I am sorry you feel that way, Noctus, and while snapping is never right or appropriate, I will never praise the overpriced half-baked junk that is our current codex.

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I dont want to leave my chaos army behind or this forum. I used to love the chaos ascendant threads when I was younger, even before I became a member in 09. I would get on there every day and revel in the bloodshed and treachery... but our bitterness grew over the years... and it saddens me


I understand that it's the codices that have changed, for better or worse, and the people changed along with it... I also understand the frustration alot of people have and of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Its just unproductive. We achieve nothing aside from letting our bitterness fester.


But I don't know, maybe you're right.


I apologize for my pointless little spiel. It has nothing to do with the subject of the thread and its getting off topic. Please just ignore me and continue with what you were doing.


Edit: I knew I got the spelling on that word wrong... Thanks Amarel

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Tried to find a new home for you. Most places are like here, or worse. You don't want to read the comments from Dakka.


But I did fine this place. Seems less grumpy than the others. Also less like anybody knows what they're talking about (ie: one suggestion for making an effective warpsmith: give him pair lightning claws and put him on a bike), so it may just be a matter of time before the gloom sets in. Or they might stay their own little isolated island, who knows.

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We fight the long war, not through vain notions of competitiveness and skill, but through a far purer purpose: hatred. At the height of our glory we were betrayed and cast out by our codex design team. It is this hatred that has sustained us through the long millennia. I tend it with bitterness. I nurture it with the deaths of my former codices.
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Re: Land raider Variants:

I agree with the sentiment that we won't see new variants until GW releases a new kit that allows for it. And even then, it may be a re-sculpt that adds Forgefiend-style smokestacks and filagree to the brick-with-sponsons that we all love.


However, AV14 is still AV14, and even if we have an overcosted mobile bunker that rarely fires its guns, the crater it leaves after it explodes still gives a 5+ cover save. :)


Re: Chaos Negativity:

Everytime one of us writes a complaint about an issue with Chaos in 40k, and you ask yourself "Wow, why would anyone who feels that way stick with it?", I think that a bit of fluff that AD-B wrote sums it up nicely:


"Because we are brothers. We've see primarchs die to blade and fire, and we've seen our actions set the galaxy aflame. We've betrayed others and been betrayed in kind. We're bleeding for an uncertain future, fighting a war for the lies our lords tell us. What do we have left, if not blood's loyalty? I am here because you are here. Because we are brothers."

- Sevatarion "Sevatar" Jago

as quoted in The Tenebrous Path, chapter VI: Unity


Or, to put it in less artful terms: Misery Loves Company.


My most recent game was an 1850 Crusade battle against Dark Eldar. My Chaos Spawn gobbled up helions and kabalites.

My Vindicators blasted apart vehicles and pounded the enemy Aegis Defense Line. A unit of plasma gun CSM's mowed down a wych cult with rapid fire. A plague marine with a plasma gun got off the lucky shot of the game and brought down a Voidraven bomber.


My opponent was constantly under pressure, frowning, and trying to figure out what to do next as he slowly brought down my tanks with Darklances, killed off plague manrines with sustained disintigrator fire, and nailed my warlord with implosion missiles.


I had a great time. I lost by two points.

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After the Necron and Grey Knight codexes that we saw, we had very high hopes for our codex. We were subsequently urinated upon from such lofty heights. I don't think people are complaining because it's fun or trendy, but they have legitimate reason to be unhappy.


If the Dark Angels codex is anything like what I imagine it will be, we are going to have a whole new page of threads worth of things to say about it. And it will be an unhappy day.

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If the DA codex is what we expect, there will be a new round of renewed kvetching, but... You know what? I really hope the DA codex is awesome. Strong, full of neat options and special rules and cool or weird new units. Wachy over the top stuff like jetbikes and plasma swords and robot lions. And I hope everything is good and fieldable and a variety of fun lists just fall right into place.


Because DA players have been stuck with a book that, while not terrible, is nearly as dull as ours for nearly as long, and they deserve something cooler just as much as we did. Them not liking their book won't make us like ours better, and a strong DA book is yet another counts as option for chaos players looking to jump ship

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If the DA codex is what we expect, there will be a new round of renewed kvetching, but... You know what? I really hope the DA codex is awesome. Strong, full of neat options and special rules and cool or weird new units. Wachy over the top stuff like jetbikes and plasma swords and robot lions. And I hope everything is good and fieldable and a variety of fun lists just fall right into place.


Because DA players have been stuck with a book that, while not terrible, is nearly as dull as ours for nearly as long, and they deserve something cooler just as much as we did. Them not liking their book won't make us like ours better, and a strong DA book is yet another counts as option for chaos players looking to jump ship

Indeed, an army of counts-as Fallen would hardly be inappropriate . . .

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A point about Chaos negativity: we are supposed to be bitter, resentful, and full of spite. The fact that other Codexes may / may not be more powerful is not a reason to hate Chaos, it's a reason to hate the other Codexes.


I don't mind the fact we don't have 6 variants to our land raiders, it's all the other stuff - like no bikes / jump packs for Dark Apostles, the removal of Daemon weapons, the overcosting of TSons, etc - that bother me. We just have too many units that don't make sense, and not enough options to make them right.


But that's part of why Chaos is so kinky. It's just straight up hard to be a bad a guy in the 41st millenium.

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Also, there's at least one complainer on this subforum poised to change his tune completely. I'm prepared to abandon all negative comments and opinions regarding the new codex & any of its included options, to write lists with berzerkers and murder swords and dark apostles, and only write comments about how much fun I had yelling 'for the warmaster' and 'we are returned' while playing them, and only talk about my fantastic wins and narrow, but gripping defeats. I'm actually almost excited at the prospect.


And all noct has to do in exchange is agree to my

. It's only seven thousand, five hundred and thirsteen pages (at time of this posting), noct. Is that so much to ask? Come on,
. Don't listen to the
, noct, I know how you hate naysayers.




edit: le sigh. The quest to find a patsy that I can vicariously re-enjoy Homestuck through continues.

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If the DA codex is what we expect, there will be a new round of renewed kvetching, but... You know what? I really hope the DA codex is awesome. Strong, full of neat options and special rules and cool or weird new units. Wachy over the top stuff like jetbikes and plasma swords and robot lions. And I hope everything is good and fieldable and a variety of fun lists just fall right into place.


Because DA players have been stuck with a book that, while not terrible, is nearly as dull as ours for nearly as long, and they deserve something cooler just as much as we did. Them not liking their book won't make us like ours better, and a strong DA book is yet another counts as option for chaos players looking to jump ship

Indeed, an army of counts-as Fallen would hardly be inappropriate . . .


Got it all but the Bathrobes Whythre. All but the Bathrobes.

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Sorry to the DA players but I will not be happy if they get a OTT codex. Maybe I'm too bitter, but I don't care. I really hope it's in line with "leveling out" the codex power levels.

Nice to think about, but I will believe it when I see it. We all know how much GW loves their precious space marines, and the rules have always reflected that. Hard to believe the company would change course and make a codex where they are not OP.

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I hope DA get a nice dex, after all, we cant hate on our own faction, traitors are traitors, we welcome our fellow renegades with open arms. We all know they are a chaos varient list, operating within imperial space using new gear :(
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Well, as far as chaos land raiders go, I think the proteus is pretty fun. It takes up a fairly useless elite slot, so we can still use lots of oblits or havoks, and it offers a way to influence reserves, which isn't normally an option for us. Also you can load up on cheap hull or pintle mounted weapons to dilute weapon destroyed results. It can even scout (outflanking landraiders are hilarious)!


Still not amazing, but not horrible. Did I mention that I really like how it looks? Maybe I will build myself one for Christmas.

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Well, as far as chaos land raiders go, I think the proteus is pretty fun. It takes up a fairly useless elite slot, so we can still use lots of oblits or havoks, and it offers a way to influence reserves, which isn't normally an option for us. Also you can load up on cheap hull or pintle mounted weapons to dilute weapon destroyed results. It can even scout (outflanking landraiders are hilarious)!


Still not amazing, but not horrible. Did I mention that I really like how it looks? Maybe I will build myself one for Christmas.

It seems that the reserve penalty that you can give your opponent would stack with an allied Officer of the Fleet, and so if you also took a comm link on your fortification (kind of a big if) you could really keep their reserves off the table in the early game.


Also, since the Proteus keeps infiltrators 24" away from it during deployment, you could use it to deny most of your deployment zone on a 6'x4' table. However, I usually welcome infiltrators, because they are putting themselves within range of more of my guns.


Plus, the model looks good (especially the Armored Version) and would give a chaos army a "we've been around since the crusade" feel.

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