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Chaos Landraider variants


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If this blatant and pointless negativity, that has been around since our 4th edition codex first surfaced is to fit as the norm, then I don't want to be a chaos player anymore. I'm tired of watching people snapping at each other like dogs (even I am guilty of this) and constantly pointing the finger at someone or something else out of spite instead of actually looking forward and enjoying the codex we have. Its not a fun environment to be around or in and quite frankly want no part of it anymore.

there was nothing to enjoy in the gav dex and the enjoyment we get from our kelly dex comparing to stuff like SW/IG/GK or necron is rather low . It is hard to find chaos stuff ultra awesome where there is another dex that does the same and not much worse.


you say that being negative is pointless [what is wrong not hiding your hate/dislike of something is beyond my understanding], I dont think so . Keeping stuff inside is unhealthy in general and in our hobby ends with ultra fast burn out .


I really hope it's in line with "leveling out" the codex power levels.

enjoy your 4 different builds per dex , plasma marines in a plasma edition , plasma land speeders , plasma flyers and night fight on demand :( .

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enjoy your 4 different builds per dex , plasma marines in a plasma edition , plasma land speeders , plasma flyers and night fight on demand :( .


Yeah, read the rest of what I wrote instead of your usual nitpicking.


I don't have the rules for the FW land raiders, are they all in the armor books or can any of the rules be downloaded?

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Sorry to the DA players but I will not be happy if they get a OTT codex. Maybe I'm too bitter, but I don't care. I really hope it's in line with "leveling out" the codex power levels.

Nice to think about, but I will believe it when I see it. We all know how much GW loves their precious space marines, and the rules have always reflected that. Hard to believe the company would change course and make a codex where they are not OP.

well, historically speaking, the DA actually tend to disprove that theory. They've pretty much always been underpowered.

In fact I'd say if there was one army that deserved an OP codex it'd be the DA.

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I'd like them to be OP just to disprove the rumors of C:CSMeh being not underpowered, but first in a line of gloriously balanced codices. ;D

Maybe we're getting the short end of the stick because it's customer satisfaction? Thanks Nehekhare! :D

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Well for the 4e codex we had at the time, there was only one way to beat anything. I think Jeske is referring to posts that come out immediatly after the codex's release, which always go something like.. "X codex just came out and it's so OP, I can't beat it. QQ." We -didn't- have any of those posts that I saw, just a casual post that said something like, "we don't need to change a thing lolezpk."
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Eh all I know is I'm confused because some people are saying the GH-Wannabe list is the only way to go but I keep seeing successes with the "Underdog" lists. So umm yeah, we suck. Supposedly. Maybe. Possibily. Not as bad as thought. But don't, just pick the SW list if you want to win! :D
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Wait... this whining sounds a lot like the whining during whole 5th. However, I can see where it is coming from. I felt excited to get back to Chaos (some of the older members on this forum surely remember me) and so I went off to study the codex.


Now normally, a good codex you need to look through seriously multiple times to get a good grasp of it. Unfortunately, I could filter out the good from the bad in 1 quick read with this codex. That's not good, it's bad even.


In general:

-Lords and Sorcerers are viable/good now! But now Princes are bad... Other 2 HQ's will hardly ever see use I'm afraid, they give nothing what you really want.

-Special Characters better overall, although not really more interesting. High copy paste feeling here.

-Troops are the same pretty much. Only Noise Marines are interesting. Cultists are usefull, but bland.

-Elite section is dire from a competitive point of view. Seems like Termies with combiweapons are again the best (and only) choice here.

-Fast Attack, omg! 3 good units! Nothing to complain here, huge improvement.

-Heavy slot... erm... why do all the Daemon Engines have to suck that hard? The viable units is the same deal. I guess you can all get excited over T5 Oblits eh? And why exactly is the Land Raider even worse than it was?


Yeah no, I feel your pain. I tried hard, I really did. I want this book to be interesting, I want it to be good. It's neither imo.

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Why? Because they've always been underpowered? I played against them a few times in 4th/3rd and they weren't bad. That's no reason to have an OTT codex either.
Of course not :lol:


My point was twofold:


-Marine armies aren't always OP, the DA surely aren't and haven't ever been OP.


-DA have been the underdog since forever, so if one army absolutely had to be OP I could kinda live with that being the DA.


Having a DA army myself, I'd like it to be around the same level as our current Chaos codex.

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Wait... this whining sounds a lot like the whining during whole 5th. However, I can see where it is coming from. I felt excited to get back to Chaos (some of the older members on this forum surely remember me) and so I went off to study the codex.


Now normally, a good codex you need to look through seriously multiple times to get a good grasp of it. Unfortunately, I could filter out the good from the bad in 1 quick read with this codex. That's not good, it's bad even.


In general:

-Lords and Sorcerers are viable/good now! But now Princes are bad... Other 2 HQ's will hardly ever see use I'm afraid, they give nothing what you really want.

-Special Characters better overall, although not really more interesting. High copy paste feeling here.

-Troops are the same pretty much. Only Noise Marines are interesting. Cultists are usefull, but bland.

-Elite section is dire from a competitive point of view. Seems like Termies with combiweapons are again the best (and only) choice here.

-Fast Attack, omg! 3 good units! Nothing to complain here, huge improvement.

-Heavy slot... erm... why do all the Daemon Engines have to suck that hard? The viable units is the same deal. I guess you can all get excited over T5 Oblits eh? And why exactly is the Land Raider even worse than it was?


Yeah no, I feel your pain. I tried hard, I really did. I want this book to be interesting, I want it to be good. It's neither imo.

At the risk of sounding overly dismissive (especially since your post has a lot of points), I'm not sure we're reading the same codex here. Mine seems both good and interesting.


I'll admit to your point about the HQ's and the Land Raider though. Those are a crying shame (and they really should've been super easy to pick up on during writing/playtesting).

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