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The Octagon

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or they mean exactly what I mean. But going the ockham razor route , If I say I "like" someone or I"accept" something , what is more probable , that I dont like/accept something or that I dont accept something to be border as possible to like/?


Occam's Razor says that the interpretation that makes the fewest assumptions should be selected.


You're making the assumption that the writers are twisting their own words to intend that a reader assume they mean something other than what they are plainly stating.


I'm taking what they write at face value.


But in all seriousness, check out my Dreadclaw conversion:




Is it not nifty?

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Occam's Razor says that the interpretation that makes the fewest assumptions should be selected.


In that case, I think it's safe to interpret this entire subforum as follows: Chaos Space Marines are not competative in 6e

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