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Forgefiend loadout

Kol Saresk

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Okay, something that a few others and I have been wondering about is a possible loadout for the Forgefiend of having two Hades Cannons and buying the spare ectoplasma cannon head. There is a picture of such a loadout on page 86 in the Codex. Someone mentioned this as a possible loadout in passing on the Chaos Ascendant Subforum and someone responded with "No." Because the wording for buying an ecto-cannon is May take an additional ectoplasma cannon. However, just out of curiosity, I asked the manager at my LGS and his reply is "Since there is a picture in the Codex, the answer id yes until a FAQ says otherwise." So while I really just want to jump on the chance to have this loadout, what do you guys think? Is it a no-go because of the word "additional" or is it an approved load-out purchase because there is picture in a GW authorized Codex and there hasn't been an FAQ that says "No" yet?
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I think the main argument against it stems from the layout of the forgefiend Options.



. May replace both Hades autocannons with ectoplasma cannons.................xx pts

. May take an additional ectoplasma cannon..............................................xx pts


This does sort of imply that you need to take the arm mounted plasma cannons first, and the picture section of codexes have been wrong before, showing illegal models etc.


I'm in the camp that you can take one alongside the hades, as it looks cool.

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The arguement has got to be "it does not say when you buy the ectoplasma cannons you may buy an additional ectoplasma cannon" it just states you can buy one.


So I'm in the yes you can as I was going to do the same, and everyone I've spoken to has said yes to it in my gaming club.

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