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Space Wolf Tactics


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Ive been having some difficulty taking on Chaos with their new rules,the black mace has become the bane of my wolves,im looking for any tactiful advice on using a grey hunter squad armed with a plasma gun and a meltagun. I unfortunately dont have any Long fangs in my army so im stuck relying on my tankhunting weapons, Also what would be the best way to rid myself of an opponents Chaos Lord with the black mace? My army is chalk full of problems.
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Ive been having some difficulty taking on Chaos with their new rules,the black mace has become the bane of my wolves,im looking for any tactiful advice on using a grey hunter squad armed with a plasma gun and a meltagun. I unfortunately dont have any Long fangs in my army so im stuck relying on my tankhunting weapons, Also what would be the best way to rid myself of an opponents Chaos Lord with the black mace? My army is chalk full of problems.



Just so you know brother wolf you are asking the enemy how best to beat them... you might not get the warmest reception or even an answer. My advice is to head over to the SW forum and ask there you might get a warmer reception in the fang and better advice. And just a little advice ahead of time as I'm a wolf player as well, you really need to get you some long fangs about 1 pack per 750 pts and its reccomended to have 1 pack of grey hunters per 500 pts. It really is a good suggestion to live by as far as wolves are concerned.

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You really need to give us more to go on than that, though as trueson said, The Fang can probably give you better advice from the point of view of a Wolf player. Anyway, I assume his mace-lord is on a bike with a retinue of bikes? This is actually one of the few things in our codex that works kind of properly, so it can be a bit of a pain, but really not so much for SW. As has been said though, you need Long Fangs and Razorbacks, these are kind of a staple of the army as they can solve any problem by shooting it.


Alternately, you could take a Thunderwolf lord with TWC backing him up and you will probably eat the Chaos Lord and his bikers alive. Remember that the mace is only AP4 and requires a failed toughness test to cause the removal from play and shockwave, so first you need to fail your (normal) save and then you need to roll a 6, which is the equivalent of failing a 2+ save, and only then do you actually die. It's really not that likely. So first turn you accept challenge and hope you get lucky with your lord while your TWC kills his bikers. If his lord is still alive second turn you shrug, refuse challenge, and kill his lord with your TWC. Easy peasy.


Quick addendum: He might also try to be cute and throw the challenge with his biker champion, this would actually be what I would to with an axelord and bikers, but with a macelord against TWC it's not a big deal, just accept with whatever killing the biker and then go on with life. Again, maces are just plain bad against high T high save models, they are made for either A.) killing hordes or B.) being given to a flying price in which case they become AP2 as princes are monstrous and the toughness test thing is just gravy.

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