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Menchaliors path to redemption (updated 27.12.2012)


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Hello everyone!


Seems so many is making their quest of redemption I now must seek salvation and redemption myself. I wow to Finish these models by December:




A Whirlwind with Storm bolter




Dreadnought with Assaultcannon, DCCW with heavyflamer




5 Man Deathwing terminator squad with assaultcannon. I shall finish highlight and paint details and do basing for them before 31st of december.


This is my Wow, this is my promise. My Word is my bond, if I break it, drag me to Asmodai's mercy!

  furioso-prime said:
wow, I thought Elmo was crazy! good luck brother.


Is that really that much? I still got 10 Terminators of whom shall become Deathwing members but I reserve them for January's oath. Besides I am not really that good, or... well good painter at all. I can make Deathwing look quite ok looking but, my green wings need ALOT work, oh, well.


Anyway. After pulling quite few hours today I made slight progress:






I am not completely happy green yet, I need to work on highlights and do bit corrective painting and shading it. My first green vehicles ever. All other colors are just bases withoiut shades and other layers on vehicles. Got base reds and metals on termies and they got screaming skull on their armor. Next is shading vehicle base colors, make terminators extreme highlights with white scar and start working other colors... and work on my greens.

I managed to do last night bit detail's base coloring for the vehicles (metals, red white with vallejo wolf gray) and do some of the cleaning work on the greens. They start to come pretty nicely. Next time is washing red and metals and start building layers on them.




  • 2 weeks later...

update in 23rd of December:


Metals are done on vehicles (except dreads flame thrower nozzle), I need to clean bit the highlights and others but mostly done. Terminators are almost nearly completed.







I am getting progress even I had problems with my white scar paint having tiny uneven clogging parts here and there. I had to fish them out and I probably need to clean my brushes itty bitty better...

  demio said:
You paint to fast! Makes me jealous lol.


Looking great can't wait to see more.


So people keep telling me. I still got 10 Close Combat Termies waiting to be undercoated and then start their way for Deathwing, finish my Venerable Deathwing Dreadnought, Finish 6 ravenwing bikes and 10 tacticals. I need to be quite fast... Especially since I want deathwing knights, deathwing command squad and land speeder vengeance

Ok, I broke my toe 24th of December after few painkiller induced day I finally pulled thru highlighting everything. They're not perfect and far from best looking miniatures but I am happy how they look on table top. I've painted about two years only so I am just started to understand basics of painting.











Like always, I will finish purity seals when I do naming of the vehicles / brothers after 3rd Battle. A habit of mine.


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