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Fluff Discussion


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Huron doesn't do much because he has far less resources, but, he also doesn't waste his. He already lost one war. His actions display intelligence. raiding winning, messing up the marines errant homeworld.


Abaddon is a bad with his resources, he gambles them away in poor wars, he discards still useful personnel for failing. And his presence makes it the black paint shame, Because he's still there and its his original order. At best its both. I love the Black Legion, but Abaddon is everything wrong with it. He was a meat head in the HH books and a tool in the night lord books. BFG makes him dumb too.


@spafe heh

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EC "You have a pretty mouth" -- 'NewRenegade420 has left the conversation'



This is the best thing I've read all week. Kudos, sir.


I have to say, I have grown more fond of Huron over time, but particularly after FW's Badab War series. Of course, in my head, the Astral Claws were made from Dark Angels gene-seed, and they're just latter-day Fallen. >_>

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I like everything about Huron except that he magically went from 300 to 100k marines in a couple hundred years out of nowhere. Would like him better with explicit ties to the Alpha Legion (explaining better where he's getting some of his numbers & chaos gear from) and hints that the imperium had been deliberately misled re: the size of his forces to distract attention from other threats.


I like that they're slowly pushing Abaddon away from his old generic dumb bad guy killing his own troops and failing every week while shouting "I'll get you next time Gadget!" gimmickry, via a few more details on successfully achieved goals of past crusades and open acknowledgment that despite commanding the largest chaos force in the Eye, he's still not a direct match for the military output of an entire galactic empire's worth of worlds entirely bent on churning out soldiers & weapons. So instead of 12 failed attempts to destroy the empire and a 13th doomed to sputter out the same way, we now have 12 successful attempts to achieve hidden objectives while causing a ton of damage and withdrawing to the safety of the Eye before the enemy's full strength can be brought to bare - you know, proper guerrilla and terror tactics when facing an enemy of impossibly superior military strength - leading up to a 13th crusade that actually poses a real doomsday scenario type threat. Yeah, it can't succeed without destroying the setting, but I don't think any of us actually expect the timeline to be advanced any more anyway.


I like that the Abyssal Crusade gives us a handful of new warbands, and a story of just a flat out chaos win, with more insight to what the daemon worlds of the Eye of Terror are like. I like the added detail for various warbands in general. I like that we get a bit more characterization for the dark mechanicus and daemonic forgeworlds, and in particular enjoyed the fluff description in the Warpsmith write up.


I like that there's a bit more characterization for how the warband thing works - with old factions splitting up as their old primarchs died or withdrew, and new warriors drawn to the banner of powerful and successful warlords, but where old loyalties still run deep and new alliances are constantly bargained, and when one of the primarchs reemerges temporarily, or when Abaddon calls a crusade, the disparate lords under their authority come together to fight the true enemy together. I like that we get more examples of the surviving daemon primarchs actually getting off their arses from time to time to actually do something. I like the idea of Word Bearer dark apostles aiding new renegades with resources & training while preaching to them, or of elite Black Legion veterans reinforcing various warlords in their personal battles, in exchange for the promise of their support in the next Black Crusade.


So there is a lot that I actually like in the fluff of the new book. But there's a lot that I don't like as well.



As mentioned, I don't like that the Red Corsairs are so large so soon after the Badab war. I don't like the stories of arbitrary Space Marine corruption. Prayed for a way to tell when men were lying, and had that prayer answered by a curse that makes you hear every lie spoken by man, driving your chapter insane? Cool. Got some blood on you, now you worship Khorne? No, not cool. While I liked getting some details on new renegade groups in the Abyssal Crusade, I don't like that they felt the need to spell out every lost chapter's name and the name of every warband they became. Some of the names are dumb, it's dumb that none of them kept their own name, and it would have been nice to have some "unknown" or "redacted by order of the inquisition" names for creative fans to insert their own homebrew warbands into the story.



Overall, there's more that I like than that I dislike, so in general I'm OK with the fluff in the new book. It's the lack of effort put into the new rules that bothers me.

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I like everything about Huron except that he magically went from 300 to 100k marines in a couple hundred years out of nowhere. Would like him better with explicit ties to the Alpha Legion (explaining better where he's getting some of his numbers & chaos gear from) and hints that the imperium had been deliberately misled re: the size of his forces to distract attention from other threats.

I thought it was closer to 90 years? Hmm, Alpha Legion ties... Maybe that explains the 'Master of Deception'.........

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You know the source on the 100k red corsairs is listed as a rumor right. He only takes like 3 systems, with 100k marines.. really. This is in the rule book not the codex on page 176.


People should chill out. Next you will be telling me the ultramarines are definitely absolutely without a doubt made up of the lost legions.


Herp derp.


@Glaug Thanks.

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You know the source on the 100k red corsairs is listed as a rumor right. He only takes like 3 systems, with 100k marines.. really. This is in the rule book not the codex on page 176.


People should chill out. Next you will be telling me the ultramarines are definitely absolutely without a doubt made up of the lost legions.

And don't forget that Russ is so bad ass, even the entire Eye of Terror can't kill him. And he is the second person to rip off Chuck Norris' chest hair.

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And don't forget that Russ is so bad ass, even the entire Eye of Terror can't kill him. And he is the second person to rip off Chuck Norris' chest hair.


Well if Draigo can live in the Warp it shouldn't be so hard for a Primarch to do. Herp Derp.





... I hate when GW produces such fluff fails. ;)

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You know the source on the 100k red corsairs is listed as a rumor right. He only takes like 3 systems, with 100k marines.. really. This is in the rule book not the codex on page 176.


People should chill out. Next you will be telling me the ultramarines are definitely absolutely without a doubt made up of the lost legions.

And don't forget that Russ is so bad ass, even the entire Eye of Terror can't kill him. And he is the second person to rip off Chuck Norris' chest hair.


My money's still on the "Magnus's hamster wheel" theory.

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