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The best unit


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I was thinking about this other day. What unit above all others is best in the codex? Not just for mathammered killyness but for uses on the table, the fear it puts into your opponent, or simply wins you games.


For me it's one of two choices. The Helldrake or the humble Cultist.


First the Helldrake, I never leave home without it (despite being a pain to transport). Give it a Baleflamer and you're golden. Of course it really comes into it's own against Marines but against Tyranids flying (largely) list it did very well first burning through his gaunts that were camping an objective (and them running off due to my army pouring firepower into the local synapse) then camping the objective itself (hover, then it got it's wings and flamer blown off so it just lay there till the end of the game hehehe).


Second of course is the Cultists. They are objective campers who hide and are a complete bitch to shift. They die hard and slow and will hold the objective forevermore, especially if you have the preserve of mind to put something with Ld nearby. They have their second use of screening valuable units. two attacks each has it's advantages as well, people who expect an easy win often get a nasty shock when they come out swinging.

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This question is nearly impossible to answer, but I'll give it a bash, by giving you my two favourites.


Obliterators. Their newfound toughness and firepower is amazing, but they're just really really useful. The sheer fact that they always have exactly what they need at their disposal is just amazing, and the addition of the assault cannon to their arsenal makes them that much more ubiquitous. My AC's have taken down a fair amount of flyers recently as well.


Spawn. I'm sure it's not a popular choice, but my 5 nurgle spawn have done me proud in nearly every game they've played. 15 T6 wounds for under 200 points, that should get into combat by turn two, is nothing to scoff at! With their sheer volume of attacks, they're pretty decent in CC as well. Pity they take up a fast attack slot, as the competition is fierce indeed!

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i wouldnt say oblits are the most useful...


Theyre great, until you fail that leadership 8-9 and now you are running away. And to get mark of nurgle and votlw makes a really expensive unit: 237 points for 3.

With that being said, i think the havocs are the most usefull. They have the most usefull options like flakk missles but the real icing on the cake is the autocannons. 115 points 120 with votlw for 4 autocannons is amazing and they will do more damage than a 237 point oblit squad will over the course of a game, oh and they will be ld 10 thanks to votlw.


So havocs are my choice.

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My Autocannon Havocs got wiped out without firing a shot vs 'Crons they other day :(.


Anyway, I'm going to go with Plague Marines. They're just about as sturdy as they were last edition, but now have plague knives. They're a great all round unit and 7 with double plas for sub-200 points is great.

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My favorite units are defilers, cultists, terminators, Abaddon, Typhus, chosen, spawn, drakes, fiends, oblits... the Warpsmith might have been in the running if only it had been an elite choice, or had a wider range of weird techno-daemonic options as would befit an HQ choice. But contenders for 'best' are a more limited bunch. Huron, bike-mounted Axelords, Sorcerers, Plasmamarines, Bikes, Drakes, Havocs. oblits...



Out of that, I'd say the best of the best is the bikes.

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Is that your experience though? I know which a lot of the time are the best on paper, but out of personal experience is what I'm really getting at.


Like the N-Oblits vs the Auto-Havocs. The N-Oblits are more expensive and few models. But, they can generate greater fear in your opponent as they are the swiss army knife that whatever they are doing they are hurting you a lot, whereas an Auto-HAvoc have some versatility, but will never kill as many Marines as 3 Plasma Cannons (I guess also they will also never kill as many Oblits ho hum :D ).

That said I use a unit of 10 auto-havocs or ML Havocs in a Bastion; the other 6 are for manning the Heavy Bolters. That much dakka sees a large swathe of the enemy disappear (until you roll like I do and get two hits and no wounds.... those dice went in the bin in rage). I have yet to try Oblits in the new codex, I only have two so I don't think they are worth it

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Drat! Double post ;)


I'll use the chance to say that I would pick the Heldrake and Chaos Lords (as well as some of our Special Characters).


Other than that there are no amazing units- everything else requires you to build your list around getting the most from them, which could result in combinations that turn any of the good/ decent units into 'the best' for that type of list.


Oh, and of course Obliterators are still just good in every single list, and thus are exempt from any and all rules/ opinions I have just stated, because that's how they roll.

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Kinda 2 units but together (so it counts darnit!), I'm loving a unit of 10 marines geared to the nines with fnp banner, joined by warpsnith with MoS and mace plus some kit. think unit comes to about 430 points, but my god can it take anything! and lovely when they stroll forwards alongside my palaquin nurgle lord, with his plague friends. two very durable units marching slowly forwards crushing all!!!
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wow, big question. i'm tempted to answer "there is no best unit" but in my personal experience, the one unit that never lets me down is my good ol' chaos marines. 10 strong packed with plasma in a rhino, they're fast, threatening, and scoring.


from everything i've seen and heard so far, probably the best armored thing is the heldrake.


most efficient named character, i'd have to give to huron.


that's my 2 cents, anyway.

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I agree there's no best unit. What served me best so far, however, is my MoN Level-2 Sorcerer with Burning Brand. With Nurgle and Biomancy powers he throws like 2 Blessings or Maledictions each turn and absolutely smashes everything but TDA at ridiculous ranges. Life is good.


Cheers, JT

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Khârn has been doing rather amazing, if he makes mellee contact, everything around him dies. He is my #1 top pick especially with new challenge rules to protect him!


Oblitz, New Ass Cannons are rather spiffy, MoN says you can take 3 Lascannon hits before dying rather than 1.5 (with 5++ counted in)


ummmm, Havoks with 4 AC for 115, Combi Predator (autocannon w/2lascannon) also now 115 points



Feeling rather unhappy with troops, been trying to run knorne marines or berzerkers, but MoK is just soo much worse than last edition (not having that extra attacks vs defensive grenades or in 2nd round of combat hurts)


Been toying with noise marines, they are nice, not best unit in codex though

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Ran a Daemon Prince yesterday in my first game in over a year as I struggled to fill a 1k pts list vs Dark Angels with fully made up models. The DP hasn't been in any of my 6th edition lists because frankly he seems too expensive as compared to old. But I can happily report that he still gets the job done. Mine was Khorne with the Axe and the ubiquitous power armour and wings. Swooping really helps. He could perhaps have been focused a bit more but then the pther parts of my army would have been more freed up. As it was he was a very important factor in winning even though all he did was bash a Dread and two combat squads. But they never stood a chance.


In lower points games the DP still seems a right beast.

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The most useful unit in the Codex, for me, is proving to be anything that carries multiple Lascannons. Laspreds and Lascannon Havocs are just starting to look like an essential part to a CSM army.


Being able to shoot high strength weapons from across the board is beginning to provide some actual 'synergy' to the rest of my forces. I can take them with Abaddon, I can take them with dual DP lists, I can take them with my big gang of Noise Marines, they are going to be able to almost instantly change the dynamic of the game. The way they change the game is by one-shotting tanks, mech, terminators, things that shoot pie plates, weird necron constructs, Tau platforms with railguns, etc, and let the rest of my army do what they are good at - eating infantry.


It just seems lascannons make up so much for Chaos' other failings. There always seems to be one or two units my armies are just not good at killing, and they take care of them so the rest of the force can move on. I don't think it's anything in particular about the lascannon itself, it's more about the way army lists are constructed and the way they are used.


Something really funny to do to a space marine player: shoot up his terminators with lascannons and have your nurgle terminators make 2+ saving throws against his lascannons. Watch the look on his face. The fact they are S9, and we can get T5 terminators, is a wonderful mechanic to exploit.

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Um... Lascannons are AP2. Terminators don't get armor saves against those. Mark of Nurgle doesn't change that. In fact, mark of nurgle does nothing for terminators against lascannons. It lets oblits avoid instant death, but Terminators are only one wound each, so they don't care about that. And even oblits don't get their 2+ save, just the daemon save.
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Um... Lascannons are AP2. Terminators don't get armor saves against those. Mark of Nurgle doesn't change that. In fact, mark of nurgle does nothing for terminators against lascannons. It lets oblits avoid instant death, but Terminators are only one wound each, so they don't care about that. And even oblits don't get their 2+ save, just the daemon save.

Yeah, I am off the mark, appreciate the correction. Just commenting on the instant death rule.

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