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Help with necrons!


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Hello, I rarelly play against Necrons in my area so I don't have much experience dealing with them. Next saturday a tournament is taking place around here and a necron player (a good player) is bringing a list with 6 flyers :(


His list:


- Destroyer lord with mindshackle scarabs, sempiternal weave, warscythe

- Necron overlord with mindshackle scarabs, resurrection orb, sempiternal weave, warscythe

- Royal court, harbinger of despair, harbinger of despair, harbinger of the storm, harbinger of the storm

- Deathmarks 5x deathmark -night scythe

- Deathmarks 5x deathmark -night scythe

- Necron warriors -5x necron warrior -ghost ark

- Necron warriors -5x necron warrior -night scythe

- Necron warriors -5x necron warrior -night scythe

- 6x Canoptek wraiths - 2x canoptek wraith with whip coils

- Annihilation barge

- Doom scythe

- Doom scythe


So, my concern is: how to beat him with the list that I'm using:


- Mephiston

- 6x Sternguard Veteran Squad with CombiPlasma in DropPod

- 5x Assault Squad with Plasmagun in Razorback with TLPlasma/LC

- 5x Assault Squad with Plasmagun in Razorback with TLPlasma/LC

- Sanguinary Priest with JumpPack

- 10x Assault Squad with 2MetaGuns and Sarge with Axe

- 2x MM Attack Bike Squad

- 2x MM Attack Bike Squad

- Baal Predator

- Predator with 2LC/AC

- 5 Company Command Squad with MetaGuns [Guard]

- 10x Veteran Squad (Troops) [Guard]

- 2x Vendetta Gunship Squadron [Guard]


I've been thinking of putting most of my vehicles as reserves and the RAS.


Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

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A stormraven would most likely murder them.


Vendettas also good, as they are only AV11, your Vend's should kill one per turn, and your opponent has very little that can take them out in return.


Get an Aegis with quad gun.


If you can get all your stuff within 18" of the opponents deployment zone before their turn 2, then you effectively make sure that the scythes can do very little, as they'll have to fly over your troops, then spend turns turning around.


Take down the ghost ark or anni barge asap to get first blood. If you go first, youll have 2 very easy turns to do it, if you go second, you have the alpha strike on his flyers with yours.

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His opponent has six flyers. A Quadgun isn't really going to help much. At best, it takes one potshot at a flyer and then gets killed. :P Aegis Line is a solid choice, but I'd opt for the Comm Relay instead, being able to control when your reserves come in is important.


Is your list set at this point? Because there's definitely some changes to be made that I think would help it out.


On a purely tactical level, it could be a tough matchup. Hope for an objectives game, because your opponent has very little scoring presence. If you manage to shoot down one of the Night Scythes with Warriors onboard it should kill most of them and bounce them into reserves, either of which minimizes their impact on the game. One Ghost Ark doesn't really make up for miniscule squad size either. So if the Warriors are embarked, focus on killing the Ark. If they disembark, then just gun down the 5 guys and don't give him a chance to reanimate.


Be careful with your deployment. He's got 2 Deathmark units that'll lay down an AP 1 flamer template, as well as piling on 10 sniper shots that wound on 2's. You don't want to cluster too much so that you don't get wiped by it. At the same time, your vehicles are going to suffer. Lots of Tesla Destructor fire, and Voltaic Staffs will typically wreck a vehicle almost every time they shoot. On the plus side those are going to be in the Warrior Squads, so if he gets out to shoot a vehicle, make sure you remove that scoring option.


Rather than go full reserve, I'd try to take advantage of your opponent's lack of early firepower, especially if you get first turn. Before the flyers come on he's only got 1 Annihilation Barge, 1 Ghost Ark with Warriors, and the Wraiths. That's managable targets to deal with, and minimal return fire you'll have to eat. Getting 2 turns to advance towards his side of the table and inflict damage may not be a bad idea. If you're able to get onto his side then it makes getting reliable shots with his flyers more complicated. Necrons don't have hover mode, so they're always moving at least 18. Close with them and you can frequently limit them to 1 round of shooting before they waste time overflying or disengaging for a turn. Having 6 flyers on the table will make this even more difficult for him. When you bring in your flyers, take advantage of your speed and get to essentially point blank so that the flyer(s) you shoot won't get to return fire if you don't kill it. Then if he doesn't disengage, you have the option of shifting to hover mode and shooting again. Given the number of flyers he has, its not really a disadvantage for your planes to be in hover most of the time. And the natural 5+ save will help some.


As Xenith mentioned, a Storm Raven would be extremely valuable for you in this matchup. If that's an option for you, I'd drop one of the Vendettas and the Baal Predator to fit it in. Also you've really over-saturated with plasma weapons. You might consider diversifying the Sternguard squad a bit.

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Some excellent points by sokhar. That list is just ugly and straight netdeck'd, im not sure id tool to deal with it tbh although either a raven or a quad-gun would be nice, just in general. I think the raven + comms is likely the best bet. . Also id really consider finding 30 pts for an officer of the fleet, -1 to enemy reserves would be the best investment you could make against 6 flyers.


Next I know tlpg/lc razors are the standard for BAs but if this is typical of what your gonna face then id consider changing these into tl asscans. Ya this means you need to get into gauss range but either way youll want to avoid those stormteks because they will wither a tank each turn and honestly your RBs arent going to be that necessary for what he has on the ground, those can be handled by mmabs etc.


As stated those deathmarks are lethal for two units since their marking overlaps for other DM units. Not that you can do that much about it but just be aware so you may be able to limit which units they mark, hopefully to your min sized RAS, mmabs etc. Thats preferrable to the 10 man squads.


I also disagree with reserving your mech, better to focus on eliminating his existing units and maybe he will roll poorly and table himself haha. This gets alot more viable with the officer of the fleet btw.


Thats what I got.

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I agree with above. Fit in a stormraven and get a comm relay so you can get those flyers on the table in turn 2, then just move forward as fast as you can and try to keep your force together. You should be able to wipe his initial ground force pretty easily, especially with meph, and then his flyers will have to go into active reserves after their first shot.

Also officer of the fleet is gold in this matchup, a flyer that arrives only in turn 4 will most likely get off only 1 round of shooting, which is not that scary anymore.

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Thanks for the very valuable feedback.


Is your list set at this point? Because there's definitely some changes to be made that I think would help it out.


Yeap, sadly the lists were set last saturday and made public. What I have in my list is what I'm taking to the torney.


That been said, reading all the previous feedback looks like my best bet includes:

- Move forward asap and shot to pieces his ground force.

- Focus fire on his troops.

- Hover mode on the vendettas for max flexibility (5+ cover) and looking for blind spots on his flyers.

- Move closer to his flyers to minimize his range of fire.

- Cover the RAS with the vehicles to reduce the damage with the flamer AP1

- Pray to sanguinius for bad rolls on his side.


I'd like to have a Stormraven but atm I don't have one ... but I must.



Edited for gramar

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So, I would suggest not putting your vehicles into reserve turn 1. The reaosn being, even with those 4 vehicles you can out shoot him on that first turn. Stop what you can where you can, and focus on the flyers when they come in after that. Prioritize his scoring units. Unless he hovers, I would keep your Razorback fire on the land units, and put that Baal on taking out Air Targets. Reason being, he has 10 shots, 4 of which are twin linked, while the Razorbacks only have 2-3 shots, 1-2 are twin linked. I wouldn't assault those units with the MMS with Mepheston, I have a thing about doing that... It never ends good for me... UNLESS you use the Bikes to eat the MSS... if you can even do that... Can you?


But like everyone else said, take out his troops, stay close, if not under the flyers to minimize effectiveness, abuse cover when you can.


But for next time, One Storm Raven > Two Vendettas in a squad. Storm Raven can take down two targets a turn by himself. If you're gonna hold stuff in reserves a Comm Relay is really nice, but I wouldn't suggest it here. A quad gun would help, the Agies definatly, but against this I don't see it lasting long. What would be the best option, to me, would have been to take an Officer of the Fleet. Reduce his reserve rolls. That would have really hurt his list.


Good luck to you regardless, even a terrible list can out play an amazing one!

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Im a fan of the Comms relay, but considering the cron flyers are AV11, theres a good chance you can kill one before it does anything. Additionally, if they fire at the 50point quad gun, then great, theyre not firing at something more valuable.

That being said, all of that is just academic since you dont have that stuff in your list.


My advice is this, do not reserve anything. Have everything as far up on the board as humanly possible and shooting from turn one.

Going into reserve will only allow him to pick you apart piece-meal. Your list is good. But, its not ideal against this list. So, you need to get in up in his face quickly and shoot the crap out of the wraith squad which is really problematic! You also have 1 turn, possibly even two where the only units on the board are likely to be:


1. A ghost ark

2. Wraiths

3. 2x Anni barges.


Thats five units. Means you can focus fire on that something fierce. Do not waste shots on AV13, rather deal with that close up with the Melta or on AV11. Focus everything you can, when you can, on the wraiths.



Meph is in a tight spot because of the 2+ save lord but...


NOTE: Just remember, that on the turn that Mephiston charges, if you do not start combat in base to base, then the opponent does not use the mindshackle scarabs!! So, your positioning of mephy is really important. (The reason for this is because the mindshackle scarabs and the challenge are both listed at happening at the same time. When things happen at the same time, the player who's turn it is takes preference.)

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