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By the Blood Of Sanguinius

Malus Trux

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So winter is finally hitting Texas & that means I can't prime for a bit as its too cold. While that means the other armies I'm building won't get painted for a bit, I have another, older army that was done to acceptable levels but was never completed. So to get work on my painting skills, I will be trying to finish my detachment of the 9th Company under command of Codicer Eli Seph. Additionally, at Bloodsurfer's indirect goading, I will be filling in the Death Company crosses with liquid green stuff so as not to be lazy.



This is the dismounted portion of Task Force Seph. I'll get to the mounted portion after completing these guys. As you can see, instead of basing, I used color to designate squads.



This is Librarian Eli Seph. He had a more confused look last time I showed him & while I like him a bit more now, there's something missing. Oh & I need to get him primed so I can finally work on him as he's the only model in the army without paint. Go quickly winter.



This is Squad Loz. I'm planning to work my way through by combat squad & just a quick look shows an incomplete shoulder pad, a missing shoulder pad & a bare shoulder pad. Next pic posted will be these guys done.

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