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Huron Psychic Powers


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I wanted to see how other people play Huron's randomly generated psychic powers. In the codex, it is unclear if his generated powers and their effects last the entire game turn, or just the player turn. Does anyone know for sure if either is true?


As an example, in our last game, Huron rolled on the Biomancy table, and got the psychic power (the name is escaping me at the moment), that grants FNP and It Will Not Die, among other benefits. We weren't sure if this lasted until the end of that game turn, or the end of my player turn.

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End of the Game Turn. Just like if he was Sorc with the power.



??? :rolleyes:

How you figure? Unless otherwise stated, all powers last until the end of the [following] turn.


[edited ... leave one word out and it changes everything. *blush*]

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