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B&C Brains trust - A shade of blue


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OK, after nearly 15 years of secretly coveting the tiny plastic soldiers, never being able to justify the cost or the time, doubting my own ability to construct and paint, occasionally buying WD, playing most 40k video games and reading some black library titles this bad boy is finally on it's way to my door. (Don't worry it's being shipped from the UK so I'll prolly save about $80 on buying it from Aus)


Now, my sig will point you to my IA, where you will see a rough representation of the colours I want to paint this army. I want a dark, almost black, midnight blue as my main colour. So dark you almost can't tell it's blue, but it is and you can.


I have the following resources and restrictions:


I will probably only have access to the new range of GW paints

I have never painted before

I haven't purchased any paints, brushes etc yet but I know I'm gonna need black, Kantor blue and white at a minimum.


I do have a friend who was in the hobby for many years and is an ex GW staff member to take me under his wing and demonstrate techniques face to face (he used to run the painting tuts at his store.


So, my question is, how would YOU, oh mighty and experienced Brethren, achieve this? What recipe would you recommend? Have you painted a similar colour already and want to show off?


Of course, I may just have to try a few things and see how they turn out til I find one I like but I'm curious to see what everyone says.


Your reward will be pictures of my undoubtedly poorly painted models as soon as they arrive and I can arrange a session of painting and fine malt whisky with my brother in arms.





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You want the blue that is closest to the old 'Necron Abyss', I think it may be called Kantor Blue but can't recall. I'd give it a relatively heavy drybrush, rather than paint it directly on, then wash it the black (nuln oil?) and take it from there as your base coat.


Failing that, you could simply basecoat black and use the kantor blue as a highlight where you'd normally use grey.

Check out DavidKits Alpha Legion helbrute here, but substitute his blue base for your black, and his green highlights for your blue and then wash it with the black wash.




That's just what I'd try anyway, but there's a million immense painters on here to give you pointers.

You want the blue that is closest to the old 'Necron Abyss', I think it may be called Kantor Blue but can't recall. I'd give it a relatively heavy drybrush, rather than paint it directly on, then wash it the black (nuln oil?) and take it from there as your base coat.


Failing that, you could simply basecoat black and use the kantor blue as a highlight where you'd normally use grey.

Check out DavidKits Alpha Legion helbrute here, but substitute his blue base for your black, and his green highlights for your blue and then wash it with the black wash.




That's just what I'd try anyway, but there's a million immense painters on here to give you pointers.

^ Listen to this man for he is very wise. :D


Alternatively (try it out on a few test minis?) Chaos black (forgot the new name) base -> Kantor Blue mixed with black (1:1 ratio) -> Kantor Blue mixed with black 2:1 as highlight.

I'd go with the old midnight blue as the base over a black primer. It's really dark, and then highlight with Regal blue. Unfortunately, I have NO idea what the new citadel colors would be, but here is the old GW and Vallejo Game color equivalent:


61-30 Midnight Blue = 72019 Night Blue

61-32 Regal Blue = 72020 Imperial Blue



Hmm look at that, a conversion chart: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...onversion_Chart


Funny, the Kantor Blue is the darkest blue shown and is shown as an eq for Regal Blue and Necron Abyss both. Midnight blue is even darker, but there isn't a listed eq.



Naggaroth Night might be a good base, might be too purple though, you'll need to see it in person.

Funny, the Kantor Blue is the darkest blue shown and is shown as an eq for Regal Blue and Necron Abyss both. Midnight blue is even darker, but there isn't a listed eq.


I believe Kantor Blue is the middle ground between Necron Abyss' (darker) and Regal Blue's (lighter) colourations. Alas Midnight Blue disappeared form the shelves a long time ago. :o It was one of the first paints I ever bought when I started the hobby back in April 2007, it had a distinctive sheen to it Necron Abyss lacked and was much thinner and easier to use. Mind you it was not a foundation paint like Kantor Blue and its predecessor (Necron Abyss) are/were.


Jacobius, as someone who has used dark blues since I started, for the colour scheme of the Night Wolves, I'd go with Valkyrion's suggestion. Or try the Midnight Blue equivalent suggested by Red Fury, paired with a nice wash of GW's black or blue Washes/Glazes.


Looking forwards to seeing the creation of the Night Wolves!



Midnight blue was a brilliant paint - it was two different colours in one. If you shook the pot for a couple of minutes you got a good solid 'space hulk genestealer' colour, if you used it straight from the pot you got a weird almost metallic looking see thru blue.


Looking at the picture again, I wonder if whatever Fenris Grey is called now with a blue wash, followed by a black wash when dry would look like?

hey Jacobius


sorry this is off topic ( not about the painting) If your after cheap models in Aus this guy http://www.blackcultist.com.au discounts them at about 21% and has a flat shipping rate!

just in case you get addicted!


But with the blue, i did my 1k sons army a while back and Kantor blue does look fairly dark on a black base coat and you could make it darker with a few washes of nulin oil :lol:

You could try priming in silver, then washing with 2 or 3 coats of Nuln oil to darken the armour, then 2 washes of blue (Drakenhof Nightshade I think is the new name for Asurmen blue), followed by a final coat of Guilliman blue glaze if necessary. That should get you a dark blue metallic colour.


As always, try a cheap test model first! :P

Wow, that's more than I expected.


I'd already planned on trying the black base/blue layers and blue base/black washes but that silver one sounds funky.


Will definitely be picking up one of those 5 pack tactical marines for test minis.


Devolver: will definitely be using http://www.blackcultist.com.au for any individual purchases in the future but for that box set? AU$385 in Australia vs £150 (AU$225) + $67 shipping through a parcel forwarding service (GW UK tried to charge around £230 ((AU$345)) for shipping :eek from memory) No contest.


Thanks everyone! If you have more ideas or examples you can show me, please keep sharing.






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