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Chaos Havocs with Autocannons


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Just going to point out that the bitz store is selling attack squads for £8 right now, so with the FW cannons that's £20 (+ postage) for a full set of havocs. About the same cost as a dev squad, but with more of the gun you want.
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Those are nice.


I've been using the stubber bits from IG tank sprues and putting them on chaos/loyalist heavy bolters after i cut off the original bolters. Works for a broke ass like me haha.

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Argh, damn you Forgeworld!

They released these the day after I had finished scrap-building my own autocannons.



Haha, tell me about it! These forgeworld autocannons came out the day I received the 8 ork big shootas I was going to use to convert my autocannons. Oh well, I'm actually quite satisfied with my purchase, they look phenomenal.


Oh, here's a preview of my painted Red Corsairs for those interested:


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The FW Autocannons look very tasty but I prefer them for the ammo feeds and back pack additions more than the barrels.


Previously I had scratch built some with Ork Shootas- take 2 of the cylindrical ones, remove the muzzle from one, line up the grooves and rivets and away you go. You can also use the Shoota with a box magazine as the one being held in the models hands, as long as you double up on the same barrel it will still look reasonable.

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