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DIY Chapter Resurrected - Blue, blue and more blue..

Benny Jay

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I have been messing about recently with lots of new shiny Chaos stuff, but have sadly been neglecting my Space Marines.


Tonight I decided to give them some much needed attention and painted the first 5 marines and Contemptor Dreadnaught of my DIY chapter 'The Seven Sons'.

The fruits of my labour:



They are all pretty much complete apart from Weathering and battle damage. (I need to do some reading before I attempt it.)

I would have posted more pics but only got my iphone, as the wife has misplaced my proper camera.


I am hoping to add another 5 marines, 10 Assault Marines and 2 Razorbacks before Christmas (gonna have to work hard!).




I decided to give my airbrush a whirl tonight and got a little carried away.


I managed to get a base coat on my Assault Marines, 2 Razorbacks, a Land Raider and my Storm Talon.




I have painted some detail on the Storm Talon and one of Razorbacks before i got my orders off the wife and had to be social :D


Lots and lots of blue!




Had a blast at painting The Chaplain for my Chapter.

He is still very much a work in progress but you should get an idea of how he might look.


'Chaplain Gabriel Kane'



Picture isn't the best quality, but should get my digicam back tomorrow so i will hopefully get some better pictures.




Small update..

Pretty much done my 10man tactical Squad.. Only need to finish the backpacks on 5 of them..

Then it is onto my assault marines.


10 man squad with Contemptor Dreadnought.



I'm quite pleased with how they look as a squad.






The Blue is really simple..


1. Black Primer

2. Macragge Blue (Base) 2 Thinned layers - I normally use an airbrush.

3. Drakenhof Nightshade (Shade)



1. Black Primer

2. Macragge Blue / Chaos Black - 10:1 Ratio (Approx)


The paint also seems more vibrant if i apply it using an airbrush and not a normal brush.

(I may be wrong but i did redo a few vehicles after noticing a distinct difference)




Wow, that's a really "BAM! BLUE!!!" shade. :wacko: Interesting composition, I like it. But the metallics on the helmets in particular look a bit off. Some seem a bit too thick, but invariably they all could use some shading. Wash em and see what happens. ^_^


Hmm, and on closer inspection, you don't seem to have highlighted the blue at all :cuss That could do a lot to help (but of course it takes a helluva lot more time per model then).

Thats a great blue you have got going on. The tactical squad looks really cool.


I like your chaplain where is the head from?


How about this for a chapter symbol




Its a grand old team to play for, its a grand old team to support....




The Yak

Cheers for the comments..



The Metallics are washed.. they just look bright in the images cos my camera is a bit rubbish, plus some of these models have a few layers of paint underneath as i couldn't be bothered stripping them. This Squad is more a test of my colour scheme.. Also I am planning on highlighting the models at some point when i get a bit more confidence in my painting skills.


@The Yak

The head is from Chapterhouse studios. they do have some decent stuff.

I am not worthy of such a symbol on my humble chapter.. Only the God Emperor himself could use such a coveted symbol!

"... and if, you know, your history, it's enough to make your heart gooooooOOOOOOOO.."





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