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*Furyou Miko

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So, I made the mistake of dropping £25 I don't really have on the Crusade of Fire book, having been taken in by the promise of advanced flier rules and character combat.


Guess who gets shafted in the pathetic flier expansion. Even Black Templars get their own fighter ace rules, and they don't even have a flier. Our Avenger pilots, on the other hand, are all obviously sitting on their hands since because of how the book is written, we can't use the Guard aces, and have none of our own.

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Grrr... I hate limited time only, means I don't get it... :lol:


That's just.. kinda lame. Then again, since Forgeworld is an optional thing one would expect that they didn't think of it. Were I running the campaign, I would rule that since the Sisters use Imperial Navy fliers, they'd use the rules for Imperial Guard Aces. Then again, that's probably something you can work out with your opponent.


Then again, you'd think they'd remember that.. the morons... :(

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I don't mean to stir up a can of worms, but....maybe it's not foul-play. Maybe it's actually intended to be fluff-centric.


The Sisters explicitly do not have an air force. They don't. They get air support from the Imperial Navy, but I wouldn't expect them to have any pilots at all; they're vehement ground pounders, each and every Sister.


So, the Allies rules addresses this for the Sisters, no? <3

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The rest of the book treats forge world as a given (the Imperial Fist player, Chin, had whole squads of Boarding Marines and two Contemptors), and it's not like Sisters weren't mentioned anywhere (the Howling Gryphon player, Cruddace, was talking about using them as allies)... although that was pretty much the ONLY mention of them.


thade - I'd normally agree with you, but the army list / codex system specifically makes the Avenger Strike Fighter a "heavy support choice for a Sisters of Battle army", which means that even though, just like the Guard flyers, it's a loaner from the Navy... it can't be piloted by an Ace, and it doesn't know the Imperial Navy's air combat strategy.

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