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Buiding a Dante


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I just slapped together some sanguinary guard bits, gave him red wings instead of white ones, and painted "Dante" on the scroll on his forhead :D I really love the SG models in general, they make a perfect body for him. If you want, you could give him a special IP and a unique axe, I actually was too lazy to bother.
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Since I intend to use him in a sanguinary guard army, i wanted to avoid sanguinary guard bits as much as possible.


I'm just gluing bits together now, I've gone for the command squad torso with the cloak and the collar, a sanguinary guard death mask head.

I've wedged in two little wings from the death company box between the head and the torso, to provide like a Mephiston collar type thing,

Axe is the big sanguinary guard one, but one handed


I made up a DC jump pack but it wont fit, so it might be wings after all


My pics usually arent very good, but will be posted

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Bad pick, but best I could get

Since then, he has had two winged blood drop shoulder pads, was going to use sang guard pads, but that would sort of defeat the object....

The jump pack definitely wont fit, wings and a normal pack will.

Might see if i can get a banner to fit somewhere too.

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The best Dante conversion, or let's say DIY, I've ever seen is Blindhamster's, the guy who also build a fabulous Tycho conversion. (If I'm not mixing anything up here). He sculpted the legs after the original Dante miniature, so the mini wouldn't look bulky, but very slender and gracile. Fits the initiative of 6, if I may say so.


If I was to make a Dante miniature, I'd take the same approach as Blindhamster - the Sanguinary Guard's legs are too bulky for Dante, they just look big and nothing like the original's legs. You could probably use the upper legs, the shinguards however are unfitting in my opinion. :D




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My Dante is made using Sanguinary Guard and DC bits and the Sanguinor's jump pack/wings. Its my avatar, though I have since updated my Dante to be carrying the big axe out of the SG box rather than a sword due to the FAQ and not wanting to deal with issues of the model having a sword but the rules saying an axe.
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This is the one I did a while back for the games of Herohammer (HQ fights) we do at my store. Of course he doesn't hold a candle to that stunning sculpted greek god. :yes:


Are there painted pics of that one?

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@Talnox, that one's so close to the original Dante I had to do a double-take. Captured the essence of the original whilst making it look a lot better, 5 stars! :) Especially considering its mostly Green Stuff.


actually only the icons o the jumpack are GS. Everything else I chopped off of other peices





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