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Imperial Guard


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Hi guys

A couple of my friends are joining a tournie up nottingham in jan and they wanted to test there imperial guard and tactics against my blood angels, really dont want to lose against these two, so i was wondering if any of you had any tips for me.


Many thanks thelost

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How many points are you playing?

I ran mech angels in 4 turnis over the last 6 months and ive had a good placing in 3 of them.

a cheap libby or a reclusearch hq.

Assault marines in assault cannon razorbacks. These guys main purpose is to hold objectives. Keep them cheap. I take 1 home objective holding squad with plasma gun and combi-plasma. I put them into either a las-plas or twin-las razorback. They sit and fire long range lascannon support and mid to close range plasma death. For my assault troops I take melta or flamer squads with a power weapon and melta bombs. I give them a assault cannon razorbacks. These guys follow behind your heaver tanks as they blitz upfield. They go for your mid and far objectives. Get the razors some cover on or near the objective and keep shooting. Try to keep every one inside their transports til 5th turn when you need to capture the objectives.

Baal predators with heavy bolters and assault cannons. take 3 if you can. These guys are a great fast moving AV 13 wall for your advancing razorbacks. They are fast and tough with a high volume of firepower.

2 of either vindis or auto-las preds. both have their uses. If you tend to play more aggressively then go for the vindies. Their demolisher cannon can be a huge help against teq, hoards and castled guard. They are also a great distraction for your opponant.. Advance them up field with your baal predators. They will help to give cover and draw attention from your razors. If you play more defensively. Then the long range auto-cannon and las sponson predators are the way to go. Keep them back and blast away.

A storm raven is a must. Right now they are the best flier in the game and your gonna need some anti air defense. I load mine up with death company(no jumppacks) and the hq. Fly on the board to where you want to drop off DC and blast something. Preferably your opponents flier. Next turn switch to hover mode, drop off the payload and then move to attack or flat-out for the 4+ cover save.

this type of list is about lots of heavy firepower and maneuverability.

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Razors and Rhinos will die, fast.

Dont upgrade them, its just not worth it.


It depends on what the list is.

If he's taking nine demolishers, or nine vendettas, or 300 meat shields, they all require different handling.

Normal advice is that flamers are good against guard, but I dont think you really need them.


Pistols and assaults will likely provide enough killing against guard meat sacks.

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Razors and Rhinos will die, fast.

Dont upgrade them, its just not worth it.


It depends on what the list is.

If he's taking nine demolishers, or nine vendettas, or 300 meat shields, they all require different handling.

Normal advice is that flamers are good against guard, but I dont think you really need them.


Pistols and assaults will likely provide enough killing against guard meat sacks.

Rhino's and heavy bolter razorbacks are useless but not assault cannon, las, and las-plas versions. They are basically free upgrades so take them. How many of what load-out is up to you.

No one is taking 9 lr demolishers. If they do spam the russes they will most likely be mostly be battle cannons. Guard can out-tank and out-flier you, so you have to be smart in your movements and target priorities. fast tanks and 3+ armor are your best assets. Give your razor cover as much as possible.

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