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Youtube Video Painting Series!


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Hello all!


Recently I have been creating painting video tutorials to help out new gamers!


I already have 5 videos up.. "How to Paint...."

1) Haradrim Warrior


2) Gambling w/ Horse


3) 40k Ork


4) Beastmen Un-Gor


5) Space Marine


6) How to make/paint a simple gravel base


7) Making blood effects on weapons


All these videos take you step by step through the whole Table Top Standered process!


All of these models were requested by other gamers, who wanted to see how to paint certain models. So if you have a model that you want to see painted, just post here or in my YouTube videos asking for it!



And here is an update on what I am going to be doing really soon....

An Ogre Kingdoms Irongut has been requested for painting! I will try to get that video out this weekend. And I will also be making the following videos...(Hopefully this weekend..)


1) WHFB Night Goblin


2) WHFB Spider and his rider


3) WHFB WoC Warrior


And here is the link to my channel where all this will be posted over the next few days..



Thank you, and if you have a model that you want to see painted, just post and let me know and I will get to it as fast as I can. I will also be posting when I get the next videos up!!


Thank you again!



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Nice of you to share with us, brother. Naturally, this being a power armour focused website, I think you'll find most of the members might be interested in the space marine more than the others.


If it's a request you're looking for, how about doing a Grey Knight, or a Sister of Battle? :P

My next set of videos are up!


1) Painting a WHFB Goblin Bowman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KljDASMQ9qQ


2) My new GW Ultimate paint set, and NIB boxes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtV9QM4ZJLM

Also, you can check out my channel with all my other videos here. http://www.youtube.com/user/CMSheatsPainting/videos?view=0


I hope you like the videos, and this is what we have coming up!


1) SoB Infantry model


2) How to make fur/with effects


3) Goblin Spider Rider


And of course, if you want to see something painted, just post here or on my videos letting me know!


Thank you!



My next video is up!


This time we have a Goblin Spider Rider from the BfSP box set.


Hope you enjoy it! And if you want to see any model in particular painted, just post here or in my video asking for it (with whatever color scheme you want..) and I will get to it as soon as I can.





With Christmas tomorrow, and all sort of relatives coming to visit... it is looking like my next video will be put out on one of the last days of December.


I just got this request in for a sisters of battle mode from jwentzel

Can you paint the Sister of Battle in a white armor with deep purple accents color scheme?

So that will be the next one I work on! Thank you for the request jwentzel!


Also, I thank you all for now putting my subscribers to over 50 now! I hope you are all finding the videos helpful, and here's looking forward to many more vids!


Thank you again. And Merry Christmas!



I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!


Now that it is over, I can start on the next few videos. I will have the SoB model done by this weekend, and another basing video as well. Along with How to properly prime a model... how to assemble correctly.. these videos will either be this weekend or early next weekend.


If you have missed any of my other videos, you can see them here...


Thank you!



Sorry for the delay in the videos everyone. Christmas and New Years really took most all of my painting time.. but I am going to be getting 2-3 videos up this week. Thank you, and I will post once I get them up.


Hope you guys are enjoying the videos!



  • 3 weeks later...

I am sorry for the delay in the next videos, but I have the following coming up soon!


1) Dwarf warrior


2) Ork painted in Bad Moons theme


3) Basing with grass


So I will try to get those vids up soon. And if you have any requests for future vids, just post and let me know! And if you missed any of my other vids you can check them out here.





  • 2 weeks later...

Well hello again!


It's been a while sense I have been able to post with all the updates this site has been going through. It now looks great by the way! :D


I have made alot of videos sense the site has been offline. (How to paint SoB, SW, and others)


You can check out all the videos you missed here...



And here is a new one that I just put up last night.

Thank you!


  • 2 weeks later...


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