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Emperor's Children or Luna Wolves

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Hey Brothers.


Some of you may have seen my heresy era armour blog on here, but the original purpose of my heresy armour method was to make a legion army of my own. I love most of the legions but my two favourites are without doubt Luna Wolves and Emperor's Children.


I wondered if you guys could help me choose between them for my army project?


Luna Wolves:


I don't need to tell any of you, I'm sure, that these guys have a lot of coverage in the H.H series. Accordingly there are some very strong characters there. The Mournival are a massive draw to this legion of course, and I'd make them all, and Horus if I chose LW in the end. Both projects would be early-late crusade so I'd probably have a high proportion of MKII (favourite armour mark). I'd probably model them around Ullanor conquest. The paint scheme would be 'False Gods' style, so chalky off-white with red and black details. I'd use a lot of solid-shot weaponry and lascannons.


Emperor's Children:


What can I say. Of all the legions I think I identify with this one the most. The ability to use the aquilla also gives me a little more flexibility with modelling. These guys are in my mind the traitor ultramarine type legion. One which follows the legion organisation to the letter (unless it doesn't work). These would be modelled for Istvaan III disaster. I'd make Tarvits and Lucius as the commanders. I hear Fulgrim is on the way out anyway. I'd make heavy use of Plasma Weaponry with these.


So let me know what you think. I'd be grateful for your opinions and suggestions. Maybe you think another Legion would be a better project? Which is your favourite of these two and why? Let me know :P



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I'd love to see you do Luna Wolves. While popular, they don't really pop up much in this board and if they do, aren't always that well done. And anyway, Emperor's Children are just pansies, whereas Luna Wolves are real Astartes :(


Please keep me/us updated :)






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