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Not bad, brother! Yellow is a notoriously hard colour to get right, and it's nice to see that you've found an effective method for getting it even and thin.


If you were looking to continue improving these models, I'd say you should add a little more to your shading and do some edge highlights.


In the former case, take a weaker wash than what you're currently using (diluted Ogryn Flesh or regular Gryphonne Sepia, not sure what the new equivalents are), and pull it out of the deepest recesses just a bit onto the armour. This should give a nice transition. The original shading is also a bit rough, so you might consider a second round right in the recesses just to even them out.


In the latter case, just start mixing up from pure yellow towards a cream colour. Thin your paints out as you work your way up, and don't be afraid to dab your brush on a napkin 5-6 times if it's really wet. The trick is to build it up and get thinner along the edges that catch light. One last trick is to glaze the original yellow over the finished product to tie all the highlights together.


Keep up the good work, these are some really solid marines with lots of potential!

Hi Havlar,


Well done, you're getting some nice depth to the yellow, which as MattCrawford pointed out is tricky, to reinforce what he's said:


-Try a wet pallette there are tutorials on here about making one, they're cheap as you like and will drastically change your results.

-Consider how you're going to base them, the textured GW paints may well suit you, or again look at some tutorials, but coherent basing will improve the look of your force by a massive amount when they're all together.

-And again some restrained edge highlights could really transform these guys, cream-tones (specifically bone) work well on yellow as they give it a less washed out look.



  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I got this BA commander as a bonus when winning some bits auction.
He felt kinda lonely, so I browsed for some spare bits, and made these dudes as his company :smile.:
The chainsword dude's torso was melted with plastic glue, so I modelled it as armour damage.
Legs for these dudes are not normal legs, but "transplants" from aobr/maccrage models too damaged for any other use.

Time for yellow bikers now.


Edited by havlar
  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...


I finally got an opportunity to use old 3-part terminator torso and a pair of lightning claws - so here come new photos!

As a curiosity, some of the paints used for this mini were craft ones (Americana - red, blues, black and white).




Soon I should finish my sixth tactical squad (and that will mean I will run out of monopose marines from BoM/AoBR!).

As promised - sixth tactical squad (and this means all AoBR marines have been used).

As a curiosity - the metal marine with beaky helmet is one of my first models.
(btw. this squad has the same colour as the terminator above, we can see how much photo settings etc. influence the effect, haha)



Now it's time for assault squad on foot.

  • 3 months later...

As promised, assault squad on foot.

I need to learn how to take good photos of miniatures, as the colours of this squad and (sixth) tactical are almost the same ... while the photos show them to be quite different. After finishing some more squads (and fixed some of the older minis) I'll get a group shot - maybe that one will look better (or at least more consistent :) ).




Now it's time for two command squads.

  • 1 year later...

As promised - 2x command squad - 4 melta guns, 3 plasma guns, 2 flamers and a leader. Finally managed to utilize all unused bits (2 meltas and 1 plasma are metal). I'm especially happy with the "sergeant" here, who has a primaris boltgun.


The models originally took place in Sons of Dorn Expansion VII paining event - here they are after a bit of "refining" - nth wash etc.




Next in queue is a vanguard veteran squad made out of remaining close combat bits I have - some chainswords, some power fists, some power swords.

  • 1 year later...

It would be a bit sad not to have an update this year, so I have finally finished the promised vanguard veteran squad. Basically grabbed all the random bits I had lying around, ordered some veteran torsos ... and that's it!


Also I have bought a tactical and devastator boxes, so some new work should start soon.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Despite being a seasoned Long Fang that prowls the halls of these hallowed forums I fear my keen senses are not as sharp as they once were and will freely admit this is the first time I have seen this project, first of all I would like to say well done. Not only for your dedication to the army but the clear progress that can be seen from image to image and update to update. 


The washes you have used have worked really well and I really am loving the Vanguard. especially the little details like the text on the combat shield and the power weapons glowing. I think my favourite is the lightening claws guy shortly followed by the power sword and they all look like experienced veterans so you've nailed the look there in general.


Very impressive work and I am sure that you would make Dorn proud. Really nice inclusion of some of the older minis and nice little conversions here along with great use of bits such as the AoBR marines which have always been a favourite of mine.


Hope you have a great Christmas too. :thumbsup:

  • 10 months later...

Actually there was a bit of change of plans, and I got myself a dreadnought (the core is from Silver Wardens, and then a bit of putty work was done and original panels were then placed on top, same with sarcophagus and some filing).



Also the original AoBR dread (painted around 2012) got himself a bit of refresh too, so they don't look too dissimilar.



Now I'm back to making the promised devastator squad(s), time to finally put the spare bits to use.

Edited by havlar
  • 2 months later...

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