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Land raider crusader

Raven of the Wing

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Hi all. Need some clarification on how to fill the crusader.


I get the eight terminator fix, which is just unfortunate for a dark angels player (for now)


But I want to use it with PA. can I use two IC with command squads? (12models)


Or can I use a ten man tactical squad and an IC with command squad (16 models)


My query is regarding the rules where it says a transport vehicle can be embarked by a squad plus any IC's upto it's max. Capacity. The crux is does the command squad count as part of the IC.

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An IC can not be attached to two units at one time. And a transport (barring Apocalypse and Combat Squads)) can't have two units embarked in it. A Dark Angels Command Squad is a seperate unit from the IC that unlocked it.
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My unsolicited two cents: filling up a crusader just for the sake of filling it up is folly.


Focus on what unit will achieve your stated goal with the LRC, and synergizes well with its weaponry. A 10-man tac squad may fill up seats, but a 5-man command/honor guard squad may be what your army needs.

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For Dark Angels, Beliel with his TDA command squad and either a Interrogator Chaplain or a Librarian is the ticket for a LRC filled death squad. At 2,000 points, you can even fit in a third IC to the unit for even more pain. :D
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Blood Angels have the option to fill it up with blood-thirsty maniacs in black armour, which would be a very expensive, but extremely deadly, unit. And I believe the Crusader was originally a Black Templar vehicle, who could fill it with one of their big squads with Neophytes and Initiates.
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Blood Angels have the option to fill it up with blood-thirsty maniacs in black armour, which would be a very expensive, but extremely deadly, unit. And I believe the Crusader was originally a Black Templar vehicle, who could fill it with one of their big squads with Neophytes and Initiates.

And Space Wolves with 15 Blood Claws and a Wolf Priest.

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yeah, im trying to keep with my 6th company here, if i bling it for B and a squad, it would have to be painted deathwing, id just feel wrong for them to charge out of a green LRC.


thanks for the thoughts all, i will use it for my command squad plus IC's, backed up with two teleporting DW squads :huh:

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