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Fleshy Tearing . . hows it looking?


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Sang priest PF Inf pistol

10 assault PF/PP/2Xmelta

Land Raider Redeemer


High Chaplain Carnarvon (chaplain)

10 DC 2XTH / 2Xinf p / 2Xpw / 2X PF

DC Drednaught



___________________________________ 1500


5 assault marines (JP's) melta

5 assault marines (JP's) melta

heavy flamer For DC dred (1500 list)

Multi Melta for Land Raider Redeemer (1500 list)

Reclusiarch Carnaevon (replaces DC Chaplain in 1500 list)

Sang priest PS / Inf P (adds to DC in 1500 list)


------------------------------------------------- 1850


Any Comments / advice welcomed tried to keep close to fluff and fun to play even if it doesnt win

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