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Scratchbuilt Fortress of Redemption a WIP

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Started work on a scratch built fortress of redemption last weekend. Has anyone else made their own?


I have replicated the footprint of the GW piece pretty close with one exception. The walkway to the leftmost barracks building is not angled at 45 degrees. I've made mine at a 90 degree angle in interest of strength and convenience.

Likewise the walls are not angled out at the bottom as is theirs. I will post a pic later as the project is not accessible to me at the moment.


I say all this because I would like input from other modelers.

What do you use for missile silos, lascannons, decorations? This is my first scratch build terrain piece and first use of plasticard for that matter.


Any suggestions for making the fire points on the walls?

Bugbait_nz on Warseer has made one, check out his thread here. His is generic Asartes as opposed to covered in DA bling, and he's all about scratch-building everything he can, weapons included. I'd give it a look-see for ideas.


And this is your first scratch-build project? Setting the bar high, I see. <_<

Here's the progress as of Monday afternoon. I've not had much time to labor on it lately. However progress was faster after my wife alerted me that we had a dremel tool... ;-)

That made cutting the fire slots MUCH EASIER!


Anywho, C&C welcome!



Paganlinuxgeek's scratchbuilt fortress of redemption by PaganLinuxGeek, on Flickr

I have a can of the textured paint that is supposed to look like stone or concrete. I plan to use that on the outside walls and tower. Anyone have any experience with it? I ask because if I can avoid priming the whole thing I'd like to.

Here's the pre-christmas progress shot. I've added some trim around the middle of tower, and around the top, cut fire slits on barracks, and tower.


Hoping to get some more work done this week!

Still to do:

Fabricate the tl-lascannon and turret, missile silo, add a door on missile barracks, order bits for heavy bolters, spotlights, etc...



Paganlinuxgeek's scratchbuilt fortress of redemption by PaganLinuxGeek, on Flickr

  • 3 weeks later...

Looks cool, I've tried textured paint before and the only problem was that there didn't seem to be much in the can! I primed first but I don't think you have to.


However it looks pretty cool at the moment, look forward to seeing it finished.

  • 3 weeks later...

Tonight I finished the trim work, and made a missile silo for the FoR. Since the lascannon turrent is ready that just leaves sanding prior to painting. I'm not 100% satisfied with the turrent or missile silo but  at this point I just want it finished so I can paint and use it. I figure the turrent and missile silo will be side projects as I get more time. The foot print and tower height match GW's FoR so I fail to see why others would take issue with its use. I've omitted the gothic adornments and opted for a sleeker appearance. Frankly I've felt that the gothic hooded figure and other such embellishments were more suited to imperial palace or other permanent structure in a system closer to terra. As I see it an army constructing a bastion or keep on an outpust world would expend less resources and labor on embellishments and more on fortification strengths and preparations. But thats my own opinion...



Wow a titan? Do you have a WIP thread for the project?

I am taking pics right now of the project. I am not sure if I will up load them or not. Its enough work just trying to cut, and measure all the different parts i need for the Reaver. I will have to do some modifications to the template that I currently have. I would like it to look like a Jackle Pattern Reaver Titan, (much like the Jackle class warhound).

Finished the sanding last night, spray texture then primed. I don't know how I want to paint it. Some Imperial Fists yellow? Olive Green? Leave it grey?


Suggestions anyone?



Tonights status update. The FoR is finally basecoated (well walls anyways) and ready for detail work. Yes it's a lot of yellow, but I will break it up with some gray, olive green, and perhaps a couple banners or etc. Comments, and suggestions are welcome.




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