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Custom Personal Campaign special characters


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As some of you may know, I have been hard at work doing writing for a campaign in rl for a group of local GW gamers. i want to keep it small so right now I only really have a sign up for 6 players 3 for the imperium and 3 for chaos. to add up some spice to the lists from all the books I sat down and made up some characters. I tried to make them fun... kine balanced and yet can still hold there own in a fight like any good special character should. I got the rules for em pretty mush flushed out with a friend who works for the local GW. even so still kinda want your guys opinions. *nods* now I'm not really gonna point up details and needless righting on back story etc etc.. all i'm gonna put up is stats, warlord, gear etc so please bare with me this is gonna no doubt still a fairly large post as there are 5 of them. there maybe a couple of special rules missed from each for ones that all of a certain type have please bare with me i'm sorry if i missed em i'll try to find em and add em.


My other request of info from you guys... could ya tell me if you think for my campaign if i should limit the special characters to these guys or go all out and say ALL the special characters are usable with these as extra choice options. thank you.



1. Night Lord

Helrech Nacht: 235 points HQ option


7 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+/5+


Unit comp: 1 (unique)


Unit type:



Warlord trait:

Lord of terror



:Terminator Armour


: Truth

: Mercy



Special rules:


:Champion of Chaos

:Independant Character

:Fear Incarnate

:Veteran of the Long War

:Lord of Raptors




Truth(lightning claws with builtin bolter) : Range: Melee Str: User Ap: 3 Shred, Specialist weapon

Mercy(chainfist with builtin bolter) : Range: Melee Str: x2 ap: 2 Armourbane, Specalist weapon, unwieldy

Built in bolters: range: 24inch Str: 4 ap: 5 Rapid fire, Twin-linked


Regret: (vox/psyhic scream attack)

Range: flame Template Str 8 ap 2 Assault 1, Blind, one use only (this weapon targets against a Models Leadership valve not toughness)


Nulladram: the Nulladram counts to his wargear as a Combat familiar, at the same time once per player fight subphase the Nulladram gives allows the re-roll of a single failed save be it armour, or invul.


New Special rules:


Fear Incarnate: If this lord is in base contact with a unit that has the Fearless, or the "they shall know no fear' special rules he still FORCES a fear test. but this only applies if HE is in base contact not his unit.


Lord of Raptors: Any jumppack equiped unit wishing to deepstrike within 6 inchs of Helrech Nacht does not scatter they land directly on target. Nacht must be on the table for one full turn before this maybe used.


2. Iron Warriors:

Warsmith Akragos (Dreadnought prefered Contemptor look): 300 points Hq option (still thinking of upping his points a little)

WS BS Front Side Rear HP I A SV

6 5 13 12 10 4 4 3 5+


Unit comp: 1 (unique)


Unit type:



Warlord trait:

Custom: Bane of Steel



:Power Claw with Built in Hellflamer

:World Cracker Cannon

:Aura of Dark Glory



Special rules:

:Shatter Defence

:Slow and purposeful

:It will not die

:Veteran of the Long War

:Hammer of Wrath

:Master of Mechinisms




Hellflamer: Range: Template Str: 5 Ap 3 Soulblaze

World Cracker Cannon: Range: 48 inchs Str: 8 ap 4 Rending, Decimate


New Special rules:

Decimate: When a vehicle ends up exploding after being hit by this weapon, add +2 to the explosion radius roll. models being transported by the vehicle when it explodes suffer a str 4(unless codex says str 3 like the ork truck) ap - hit with the rending USR and all failed wounds are re-rollable. Also if a model with a toughness value is struck and killed by this weapon place a large blast template overtop of the killed model all other models friend or foe under the template suffer a str 3 ap - hit as the 'victem' explodes and sprays those around em with gib, gore and armour chunks(sp)!


Bane of Steel: The Warlord and all friendly units within 12 inchs and taken from the SAME codex gain the Tank Hunter Universal Special Rule



3. Black Legion:

Dirgis The Unborn 75 points may replace the aspiring champion of either Chaos Space Marines, Havocs or Raptors


5 4 5 4 1 4 2 9 3+/5+


Unit comp: 1 (unique)


Unit type:




:Power armor

:Bolt Pistol


:Gift of Mutation

:(aquires jumppack becoming raptor champion)


Special rules:


:Champion of Chaos

:Vessel of Chaos


:Jack of All trades

:Veteran of the Long War


New Special rules:


Jack of All trades: same as at top, this guy can take the place of a Havoc, Raptor or Chaos space marine Aspiring Champion.



4. Alpha Legion

Cell Master Sect Torin 90 points


5 4 4 4 2 6 2 9 3+/4/6


Unit comp: 1 (unique)


Unit type:




:Power armor

:2 power knifes




Special rules:


:Cell Master

:Unnatural Agility

:We are one


New Special rules:


Cell Master: When purchasing Sect he is considered a troops option but does not take up a force org chart slot. Also any army containing Sect Torin must contain at least 1 unit of Chaos Cultists in it.


Unnatural Agility: Sect Torin has in close combat a 4+ invul save from wounds caused, also he has a 6+ invul verses shooting attacks.


We are one: When you make your army list that contains Sect Torin you do not place him on the table with the rest of the army. Sect Torin remains hidden until the start of any phase of the owning players, at which time they may choice to reveal Sect, he maybe revealed in your opponents turn as well. When placed he replaces any one model from a single Chaos Cultist unit on the table. If even cultists units have been wiped out before he is revealed Sect Torin counts as a casuality himself and cannot be played. Though Torin is not the units champion(even if he can replace that champion) or an Indepedant character he may still get a look out sir rolls on a 4+ as the cultists fling themselves in the way to protect him.


Surprise!: for one full turn after Torin reveals himself he gains the Hatred (all) and Prefered enemy (all) for the rest of the game after he looses both Universal Special rules.



5. World Eater

Malic Unbroken 85 points


6 0 4 4 1 4 3 8 3+/5+


Unit comp: 1 (unique) Replaces the Champion from 1 Khorne Bezerker Squad.


Unit type:




:Power armor

:Death Roar

:Mark of Khorne


Special rules:


:Champion of Chaos



:Furious Charge

:Barrel Charge



Death Roar: a large double headed Chain glaive that seperates at the centre so it can be weild as 2 individual weapons, or as 1 full Glaive

Duel Weapon: Range: melee Str: user ap: 4 counts as having 2 close combat weapons (namely 2 chainaxes) :D

Chain Glaive: Range Melee Str: +1 ap: 3


New Special rules:


Pitfighter: Malic has a 5+ feel no pain, also any attacks rolled directly against Malic that come up as a natural 1 (after rerolls) that are at the same or faster Inititive step Malic deals an automatic str 4 ap - hit to the unit or model (if in a challange) that rolled the 1.


Barrel Charge: Malic has the Hammer of wrath Universal Special rule, also it is done at str 5 if the owning player chooses to use his full chain glaive during the same sub-fight phase as the turn he charged in.




well here they all are. as i said I would like to get your guys ideas and reveals as ya never know maybe i should change something to make things better ;) as well as want your guys ideas on if i should limit the campaign to only this guys or open it up for all special characters.


Cheers, Davidkits



P.s. i really do hope i got the right place to ask all this.. >,< i guess i'll know when and if the post gets moved somewhere *crosses fingers*


Edit:1 already did some changes, removed the Lord of Iron rule from the dreadnought and gave him Master of Mechinisms and the Mechitendrils. also took out the part were the Alpha Legion guy can only pop up in 1 cultist unit shown... and changed it so that he can appear in ANY cultist unit still on the table but at the flaw that if all the cultists are wiped out before he arrives ya can't bring him out. also changed up Malic's Glaive so its now ap 4 when its weilded as 2 hand weapons basically as shown they are 2 chainaxes. and it becomes ap 3 on the turn used as a full glaive.. didn't fully like the ap rull or giving him +2 considering on the charge his gonna be str 6 anyway with the full glaive as it gives him +1 and he also has Furious charge.

Edit2: removed lord of raptors :D

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I like most of it. Here are the things I think you should change:


-What does Vessel of Chaos do on your Black Legion Aspiring Champion?

- Your Alpha Legion should appear using something akin to Sly Marbo and the Callidus assassin; I always personally find having to secretly mark down stuff annoying, so if he has the option he can appear with either squad, representing his.

- Malic's Chain Glaive needs changing it's too weak for what you're paying I think. I'd consider changing it to the profiles of 2 chain axes (S: as user, AP:5) and a Power Fist if you're keeping it simple or alternatively a S:+2 AP:2 Unwieldy. My point is that currently the Glaive while characterful doesn't currently do a helluvalot other than complicate things.


For the Iron warrior Dead, instead of the "We can't kill it!" rule maybe just giving him the "It will not die" USR instead? Means he'd run similar to all the other daemon engines and be simpler. Also, would the "free" Warpsmith be free in terms of just the HQ slot or will he be free in points as well? If it's the latter I would suggest changing that. Include him in the Iron warriors cost and have them come as a unit (to keep it in the spirit; he's powerful enough!). Either that or a weakened profile of a Warpsmith who's there just for fixing him (they die a lot most likely)

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@Iron_within: *nods lightly* good comments fair enough.. i most likely should explain the black legion guy. ^.^;; make it a little more understandable. in my write up on him he is a champ who has been possessed and the two of them share a weird symbolic relationship with one another almost like the Vorbak of the word bearers. no one around him really knows his possessed like that they just think he is very well blessed by the gods and the mutations as he gets em just prove it. though granted people get a little suspicious no dobut when he starts getting more but anyway. its because he is effectively a possessed sargenant I mixed both the aspiring champion layout with an actual Possessed layout to give him his feel. that and by giving him that chart means he can do more after all he only has a bolter, bolt pistol and a close combat weapon, the vessel makes it he can either re-roll wounds, gain a power weapon, or +1 attack and Inititive


as for the Alpha legionnaire. hmm you have a point there... i just kinda liked the idea that he pops up in a unit and gets these rules and can even keep him alive longer by getting the look out sir... if i have him like sly or a callidus the problem there is his not a independant character and i may need to upgrade his stats a little or something to make him at least a little more survivable. *taps my chin*


that idea with Malic's Chain Glaive... now that I like... i don't think i'll go with a powerfist as that doesn't really fit for a glaive but the S+2 Ap 2 is nice... should have thought of it... i originally had the idea of having both the axes and the glaive AP 4 making him a monster to most normal infantry outside of a marine army. that and his ability to get a possible 10+ attacks depending on dice rolls ^.^;;;


lastly for the Iron Warriors dread, I gave him the We can't kill rule" because the 'it will not die' is only rolled on the players owning turn and also only gives back a Hullpoint nothing else. I wanted to give the sense that this guy even though he has a warpsmith walking around can still kinda repair himself so the rule i made made it kinda like a rhino repair crossed with the master of mechanisims from the Warpsmith.


the warpsmith extra was also suppose to be just that completely free both points and doesn't take up a slot as it shows that he is there as Akragos' caretaker and help fix him and all. while still able to hide in a unit and give them a bit of support. I was considering that this warpsmith doesn't have the mechitendrites so he only repairs on a 5+ and takes away a bit. because as you say he most likely is gonna be in some way sadly expendable and you cannot upgrade the smirth in anyway so even if his free and all you can't buy him anything if you really wanted too... but again your comments are very helpful thank you ^.^ *makes notes for adjustments*


Cheers David.

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for the Alpha Legionaire I think there would be no problem with placing him within a unit of cultists when he appears, it was more along the lines that he has to appear with a one specific unit will mean that it's just that extra bit fiddly. If all cultist units die then he dies I think is fine.


I get that about the Iron warrior. Maybe instead just drop the idea of the smith completely and have the IW dread have It will not die, repair and mechanadrills so he can repair himself on 4+ and restore a hull point on 5+ in the same turn. That way you leave yourself the option of either A: Modelling a cool Heretek type on the base of the Dread or : Modelling the Dread with Mechandrills, saws, and other apparent self repair systems. That way your caretaker is represented and you don't veer away from the core rules (which I think is important), oh and the Dread would get an additional +2 attacks from the Mechanadrills *queue evil cackle*


I think it's important the the Independent Character rule is left off him as that will stop the inevitable power fists being challenged out. I would agree on reducing his front armour to 13

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I agree with most of Iron_within's suggestions.


I love the Night lord he seems pretty perfect.


The World Eater I'd suggest possibly giving the glaive power sword stats or a bigger strength bonus.


For the Alpha Legion guy, I'd try to make him sort of Marbo like, as he is he is cool but doesn't do a whole lot.


The Black Legionairre seems decent but I'd think about giving him some sort of power weapon.


Finally the Warsmith dread seems very very hard. I'd think about changing the 14 front armor to 13. There aren't very many AV 14 walkers, those that are are almost exclusively titans. That, combined with It Will Not Die and the other buffs you've given him make him really really hard to kill.


Just some suggestions.

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@iron_within and Tanith ghost: did some up dating you guys based on comments you said the first post has em writen under 'edit1' but tell me what ya think!


@ lord_ ceraolion: um... i don't get it o.O i enjoy the games yes from time to time but i don't know what ya mean O.o was there somehow something i put in that was halo themed and didn't know it?

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Just nitpicking now; if you are including this verbatim for the campaign remove the "(namely 2 chainaxes)" from the Glaive's description. Chainaxes are S:User AP5 so could cause someone to ask a stupid question.


Power knives: I assume they follow the same rules for power swords?

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@ lord_ ceraolion: um... i don't get it o.O i enjoy the games yes from time to time but i don't know what ya mean O.o was there somehow something i put in that was halo themed and didn't know it?


The three Prophets in the Halo series are the Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret. Now, go and have a look at the wargear of your Night Lords special character :lol:

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@iron_within and Tanith ghost: in the rule listening under power weapons in the main rule book, both power knives and swords run under the same rules so they are Str as user ap 3. so ya :tu: they are basically Power swords just as the guy is mean to be more of a assassian didn't feel right him suddenly drawing out full on swords... then again as we have seen with the models a space marine 'knife' is roughly the size of a sword to a human XD so *shrugs* also for Iron: i did a double check on the stateline chainaxes are ap 4 not 5 :P but str of user. but ya i will remove that notation. :)


@Lord Caerolion: *laughs* man i missed that! ^.^;;; to be honest the names of the weapons a friend gave me when we went into discussion over what they look like and what they do and all he threw out the idea of those names and i just liked em so i named Nacht's wargear that XD man should have noticed that.


my last question to you guys are... for my campaign do you think i should allow all special characters from chaos including these guys or only this ones?

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what does "lord of raptors" do? and he's in terminator armor, so if he's a raptor, does he have some sort of super-sick custom suit to jump? or is he using a personal teleporter? it just seems to me to be kinda contradictory, as terminator armor is typically bulky and slow, and raptors are supposed to be very agile and fast. you describe terror incarnate and that sounds pretty freakin awesome, as does the unit in general.


if i can find out what "lord of raptors" does i may be tempted to steal him for a game. heheh

we night lords have no named characters at all, god only knows why.


edit: what about "lord of terror" as the warlord trait? what does that do?

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OOOP! sorry Derpasaurus *laughs* that was actually supposed to be removed i guess i missed it ^.^;; originally the lord of raptors rule was that when you had him in your army list Raptors became Troops and only raptors. but as you say with terminators are a bit slow *laughs* sorry ^.^ you can try him with the ability to still have raptors as troops i imagine but his kinda meant not to have that. *goes to adjust and remove that one item* man how did i miss that >,<


and thank you for liking how i did Fear Incarnate :( i got the idea actually after reading one of the Horus Heresy novels where Dorn as fearless as he is is terrified of getting into a fight with Curse. and when Malcador tells him its because Cruze really is the master of fear tactics and is fear incarnate thats when i was like "dude... i have to give my night lord that ability" so i did :3 over all I've played him 3 times for try out and my greatest moment of success was deep striking him behind a sisters army flaming a concalve with the saint with Nacht's blind scream attack and the sisters player rolled a 6 on the initative test so when it came to his turn he actually ran away from my terminators because of being WS1 BS1 XD made my day. and i was only trying him out to see if he is balanced!

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oh just noticed the edit on ya post too derp, um lord of terror is in the main codex for warlord traits it means the warlord and his unit has the fear Universal special rule. :( so not only does the unit cause free but with Nacht's Fear incarnate rule if he is in base contact with an enemy unit he forces they shall know no fear units as well as fearless units to take that fear test normally ignored.
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ah ok. i thought heck maybe he had some sort of special thing. i mean there's a DA character with probably the only jetbike left in imperial space, so who knows?


Curze and Dorn do seem to have some bad blood, lol. i think it was The Dark King where he is accidentally beating Dorn to death in the first few minutes... oops.


ah, nice, i haven't rolled on the table in a while, mostly using huron these days, love me some infiltrate. my brain just shut off haha.

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was actually thinking about it Derp on that rolling of Lord of Raptors and i think i came up with a good idea for it while i was at work today. add about 15 points to Nacht put lord of raptors back in and the idea I had was this. anyone else can leave me a comment and thoughts but here ya go.


Lord of Raptors: any Jumppack equiped unit wishing to Deepstrike within 6 inchs of Helrech Nacht do not scatter and land directly on target.


thought it was fair. 15 points is the points of a locator beacon for loyalists why not ;) *goes to edit top post and put that in*

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hey anything that helps my raptors go where i want is welcome :ph34r:


if you want to keep the raptor theme AND the terminator armor, i'd think it could be done and explained away in his backstory. i don't know what you had in mind for him as a story but maybe something like he was an assault marine (maybe even served under sahaal, the supposed heir to kurze, who was responsible for trainnig all the assault marines before the heresy! ;)) and at some point got terminator honors. cook up some suitably epic deed for him and you've got it nailed.

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@derpasaurus: was actually going with the idea that he was a Raptor *laughs* ended up taking out his lord feeling the guy was not living up to his title or acting how he should or something. after killing him he did the whole 'keep what you kill' idea and took the mantle of the warband. the weapons he is armed with reflect on what the old warlord used to use. except for Regret. that weapon in my write up was Nacht wanting to keep the psychic scream thing raptors do to induce terror in their victems when they attack so he had the warpsmiths of the warband modify the terminator armour to produce such an effect. the thing was with all the extra power and such the terminator armour applies it had a side effect in that the suit produced a wave of sheer terror when the system was turned on. wasn't suppose too but Nacht uses it as a new weapon. my reasoning behind regret able to kill models is due to it hitting leadership not toughness.. it induces such a level of terror that some who come under the effect of the weapon literally shoot themselves.


i need to work on the stories for these guys i had a few write up ideas just sadly Night lords are one of the legions i know next to nothing about :/ so its a bit harder for his fluff.

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cool deal. i've read in, i think soul hunter, ADB's super epic night lord trilogy's beginning book, where the main character talos killed an assassin by tossing a flash grenade and cranking his vox up to 11 and screaming as loud as he could, which pretty much blinded and deafened everyone, leveling the playing field. i could totally see that scream rigged specifically to be weaponized and being deadly..
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