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Dark Angels Leak


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Those knuckle duster lightning claws just keep moving further and further from the gauntlet don't they?


Bah, I really don't see anything to scavenge for my Night Lords from this release. Not even seeing anything to procure for my loyalists... At least my DA brother will get some new bikes.

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The bus-length Land Speeder looks like it ought to belong in 30K-era.


Well it is from that era... and you know... Dark Angels have loads of relics.


You don't want to go down that logic trail here. I'm looking around my CSM Codex full of 'relics' and I don't see any bus-length Land Speeders (or any other Land Speeders for that matter) in it. If they pass off this thing's existence as anything but someone's post-Heresy Good Idea Fairy, then there's clearly no hope for this game until the entire design studio is purged and replaced.

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Yeah the new models look stupid, but no more stupid than our new models which were uniformly bad as well. Actually, the Deathwing are at least "pretty ok" which is better than any of the crap we got save maybe the fiend if it has a plasma head instead of the angry cartoon dinosaur and I guess the hellturkey if you squint. The more important issue is that they are getting a terminator variant, because y'know, Deathwing needs 2 different units to be properly represented, while we still don't get proper cult Terminators, nevermind "Chosen" terminators to represent 10,000 year veterans. It's like a bad running joke with Chaos as the punchline.
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After seeing this I'm worried that 40k is shifting towards WHFB with all those stupid ideas for units/models. First dinobots now Landspeeder :cuss variant with pintlemounted marine. Cmon. I'm waiting for Eldar version of Luminark of Hysh and Ork War Altar.

The termie knights with maces are cool thou. Still it's a shame we dindn't get a new termie box and unit too...

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I do like the new FW Heresy-Era terminators. Enough that I've considered saving up to replace my current squad of 10+. I also like the GK terminator design better than ours. And there are some issues on our terminators with the raised-rim shoulder pads fitting on alongside the spikey trophy racks. And the latter are prone to breaking. And the detail is notably less fine / more cartoony than on, say, the Dark Vengeance chosen.


Overall, I do think we have some of the better terminator models, though. I wouldn't trade them for the new dark angels, although if I was a dark angels player I wouldn't be disappointed, either. I think the termies are 'ok', the bikes and fliers look good, and the upscaled skimmer is more than a little underwhelming. Overall, I would rate the model release as seen so far as about on the level of the release we got, but not up to the standards set by the GK, Dark Eldar, or Necron releases.

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So far all i've heard from DA players is disappointment at this release to the cheese or stupid factor related to a lot of the models previously mentioned. I won't be surprised if the codex winds up being gross and people take it just for that. It has potential to really add to the meta of plasma, which is unfortunate as I thought plasma was being used a lot as is...And I think the mace terminators are HORRIBLE. apparently one rumor for them is that they can get an ability to put their attacks up to s10 ap 2. I'm actually happy I hate this range because it prevents me from buying yet another army haha.


Sorry if that was a bit of a rant, I just hate GW more and more.

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Yeah... This release does not look better than ours. I kind of like the snubby flier & the bikes, the terminators are ok, but not great, and that giant landspeeder....


I mean, the dude on front has his body where the engine should be! shucks? And either he's got legs dangling out the bottom, or he doesn't have legs at all. Who thought that was a good design?


Honestly, I was kind of hoping for better. What happened to the Dark Eldar release? Everything was so awesome for that, it seems since then things have been on a decline.


Hopefully the rules are good, at least. DA deserve something cooler than they've had.


Well Mal, you have to keep in mind the dramatic difference between the Dark Eldar and the Dark Angels (or any army for that matter)


The Dark Eldar were the most outdated army in the game. Every single model looked pretty rancid and their fluff hadn't been touched for nearly 3 editions. They had to do a MASSIVE overhaul on the entire army to fit it up to par with all the other armies and they were not inhibited by current standing lore/modeling design because there was none. Dark Angels/Chaos/ and virtually any space marine army suffers because there is a heavy set of standards and pillars that are already in place for the army.


Unlike the Dark Angels, who's models are constantly being updated over all as Space Marine models are continued to be released (im talking quality of marine models in general, not just dark angel bitz), there's very little that needs major updating. Most of the current models look just fine and are also selling just fine so the one thing they can really turn to is making new stuff to add to the existing. Necrons are sort of the midway point on this. While they did get alot of pretty new models due to their old codex like the dark eldar, alot of models also stayed because they looked just fine.


Just my two cents on that subject.

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Thinking about it more, depending on how the rules pan out I may be tempted to make a Deathwing army, I've always had a thing for terminators but you can't make anything resembling a working army out of ours and I can't stand the fluff for Space Wolves and Grey Knights. Hmm, we'll have to see I suppose.
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Thinking about it more, depending on how the rules pan out I may be tempted to make a Deathwing army, I've always had a thing for terminators but you can't make anything resembling a working army out of ours and I can't stand the fluff for Space Wolves and Grey Knights. Hmm, we'll have to see I suppose.




To be honest, I like the idea of having an entire Termie force and the Angels are the reasonable ones to appeal to that. I'm planning mine as a supplement to my Chaos force, so that I can have either an entire Termie force or a true-scale marine force that count as termies.


Either way, the current codex does not let us do a full termie force so the Angels is where I'm looking to start.


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