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Slaanesh Daemon Prince


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What do you guys think of the Slaanesh Daemon Prince.

I'm considering using one with the Black Mace, no wings and maybe armour.

What builds are you using and how do they perform for you?

I have used the same build in a couple games, trying to keep things fluffy. I did use armor, just FYI.


The additional movement almost makes up for wings, but not quite. All of my DPs are modelled with wings, so I might be biased. But there's something to be said for the vector strike attack, I was missing it.


The rending does not seem to be worth it, it hasn't made a big difference in my games. It did let him take a hull point off a land raider he would not have otherwise hit, but that's a rare situation. Also, smash attacks and the cursed rule on the black mace are better than the benefits of rending against most things.


I have to say tho, sensory overload is very powerful in the hands of a Slaaneshi DP, especially against Space Marines. Dropping an opponents stats to 1 just before a charge when you have hatred going for you is just about as bad as you can get.

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