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Dirge Caster - Am I Missing Something?


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So for some reason, I've noticed a few people who seem to swear by this piece of equipment. I can't say that I've ever lost much from overwatch, unless I was charging into a unit of Flamers. Is there something super that I'm missing, or are other people's opponents rolling a whole lot of 6's?
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dirge casters are great for one thing. they completely deny overwatch within 6". and i think they're only 5 points, so heck yes.

if you play like me, you do a flat out-ish rhino rush the first turn, dump the dudes on turn 2, then move the rhino as cover for them. if it lives long enough, you can park that rhino right next to your assault target and they can't shoot anything at all, leaving you free to chop them up.

sure, you're only hitting on 6s, but against blobs, the odds just get bigger and bigger, and the flamers are auto hits, but they're negated as well. and let's not forget the chance of instant death from plas/melta wounds on overwatch. that always kills my mood :(


i mostly see them used on LR because they're the only assault vehicle we even get, and it's easier to pull off when you can assault right away, but they're fun regardless.

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i mostly see them used on LR because they're the only assault vehicle we even get, and it's easier to pull off when you can assault right away, but they're fun regardless.


See, this I get!


I guess I've just never had a rhino live long enough, in a position where this would have helped.

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There's also defilers.


I once lost a defiler to a sybarite overwatching with a blast pistol. He rolled 3 6's in a row. When you're already dealing with a 200pt unit, another 5 points to protect it from improbable but devastating things like that is worth it, especially if you ever want to assault something with Meltas.

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I assaulted a squad of wolf scouts with my defiler. He overwatched, got a 6 on his melta gun and exploded it. Then I remembered I had a dirge caster....


Similar to the Land Raider, I can see putting a Dirge Caster on something which can actively use it. I think for me the issue is just Rhinos, since you cannot assault out of them, you're hoping the enemy doesn't decide to kill it before you charge.

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