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Chapter Serfs

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While reading the Dark Angels information on the Lexicanum website, I came across a link to a page: Click Me


After reading the page, I decided that making Chapter Serfs will be my first major conversion project, using bits from the Imperial Guard and Grey Knight product lines to make them, mostly converting the Preachers into Serfs using parts from the Imperial Guard sets. I plan on using the Serfs to count as Imperial Guard and take them as Allied Forces in larger games where I don't have enough Dark Angels.


Was looking for opinions before I start the project and was wondering if someone has done this before or if someone can suggest other lines if they feel my choices are inadequate.

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Although the idea could be fluffy and offer some interesting modelling challanges I'd have to say that Imperial Guard models are not forum compatible.


Keep in mind that Chapter serfs are not part of the DA Codex (so far at least) so they are outside the scope of our power armoured forums... Let me refer you to the rules for allies:


If your army list is 2 armies currently covered by the B&C as allies then you can discuss them wherever it is appropriate for that. But if your allies list contains armies we do not cover (i.e. xenos and Imperial Guard) then your lists and how best to use your non power armor allies will be restricted to the Tactica and Army List forums. Obviously full xenos and IG armies won’t be allowed at all. Nor will a xenos/IG army with Marines/Sisters/Chaos as allies. Because lets be honest, if you are allying with vile xenos then your Chapter should be hunted down, destroyed and the ashes used to salt the earth.


A quick example:


If you have an Ultramarine army allied with Blood Angels, you can discuss in the UM forum or even the BA forum, Tactica, Army list or where ever the info needed can be obtained.


However your Blood Angel army bro-fisting Necrons can only be discussed in the Tactica or Army list areas. Not in the Blood Angels forum and you certainly cannot post your Necron models on the site.


For more details please check out post #2 in this thread

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I always figured the epic pic by Karl Kopinksi was the closest to a Marine Chapter in action - the serfs in that don't look like IG, they're more like Ad-Mech?

And I've never understood why those Marines have so much arcane details, and the plastic ones are so smooth...




It's a massive pic, so i've linked it.

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Well, your project has two aspects: the fluff and the gaming/modelling one.


On the fluff front I'd say that Chapter serfs are not a standing army. SMs do not keep regiments of Imperial Guard-like forces to aid them in the battlefield. Serfs can be trained and used to man static Chapter defences or fleet assets to a standard equivalent (or better) to that of IG but do not have a battlefield role. Dark Angels are no different in this respect. At least this is my understanding.


From a gaming perspective though, you can use the IG list to flesh out a "serf" force along with the SMs using the allies rules. It won't be fluffy (I don't think) but it'll be tabletop legal.


My 2c

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