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Captain Loadouts

Cpt. Lacerus

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Hey, guys. I believe this is my first visit to the BA section so, greetings. What brings me here today is that I very briefly skimmed through a copy of Codex: BA and I was a bit puzzled when I got to the Captain points cost sheet in the back. I didn't see any choices for Artificer armor, Master-crafted wargear or Digital weapons? Did I miss something or is that correct? I'm pretty sure those things are at least available to a normal Codex: SM Captain so I wasn't sure why the BA wouldn't have those options as well. I mean come on the BA of all the chapters out there aren't going to be able to give their officers Artificer armor or a Glaive Encarmine? I just don't get it so I'm just hoping I missed it. Seems like a pretty boring HQ choice. I am a Wolves player so I'm used to pretty much all of my unit choices feeling very different, however if its a Chapter with their own dex at least their officers should have a different unique feel or have access to chapter specific wargear. I have been debating perhaps starting up some Blood Angels so I'm just trying to get the feel for everything. Thanks for your time guys.
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So, after I had been playing for about a month I decided to make myself a Librarian. I had ran Reclusiarch / Death Company for the longest time and decided to step things up a bit, be more serious. With the lists I was running I decided a Storm Shield Librarian would be stupid over powered. I modeled one, standing holding his sword back like he was about to strike, shield forward as if he was fighting a dragon. Dude looked tits. Put him on the table, guy starts laughing, knows I just started playing Angels, "... dude... this isn't C:SM. Librarians can't take shields..."


That being said, yes, our non special character HQs are behind the other books. But our Special Characters make up for it by being amazing. Dante and Mepheston are two of the biggest ones that come to mind.

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So, after I had been playing for about a month I decided to make myself a Librarian. I had ran Reclusiarch / Death Company for the longest time and decided to step things up a bit, be more serious. With the lists I was running I decided a Storm Shield Librarian would be stupid over powered. I modeled one, standing holding his sword back like he was about to strike, shield forward as if he was fighting a dragon. Dude looked tits. Put him on the table, guy starts laughing, knows I just started playing Angels, "... dude... this isn't C:SM. Librarians can't take shields..."


Actually, our Librarians can take Storm Shields as long as they are in TDA.

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I have three Captains currently.



Captain in Power Armour with a Power Axe

Captain in TDA with Storm Bolter and Power Sword


All three tend to gather dust, although Tycho does come out to play in Apocalypse. I know it was for game balance, but why couldn't our normal Captains have at least Rites of Battle?


I have been pondering with creating a Bike-born Captain and for this I would probably go with a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield.

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Ah, I see. Well honestly that really REALLY chaps my ass. I'm basically in to this hobby for the fluff and that pretty much just flat out goes against it. Eh, that's just the way the tabletop is I guess.


No, it should have never come to this. I feel the same way, for too long have our Captains walked around in standard powerarmour, while we send a whole squad of artificer armour-clad marines into the lines of the enemy. We, the Chapter that before anyone else is called a chapter of unmatched artificers and artisans who get to live thrice the lifespan of lesser marines to develop and perfect their skills.


I can't think that this was done out of balancing reasons. Captains simply don't make a well-balanced army a über-hardcore tournament list, not even with artificer armour. Probably, it was done to push guys like Astorath and the Sanguinor, which suffer in terms of flexibility and point-costs in comparison to a Captain, while being very expensive model-wise. Just a thought, however. We will probably never know.




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Then perhaps it was money orientated? Special Characters sell for more money than bog standard Captains...

I could see that logic, as this is when the newer Astroath, Seth and Sanguinor, models were released.

That doesnt really hold water, as the SM captain boxed set is around the same price as the character models, if not more (before finecasted...)


If you want a glaive/artificer, you need to buy a SG box, etc etc.


I reckon the sudden influx of SanGuard into the chapter meant that there was a shortage of arty armour, glaives and wrist mounted weapons. I bet by the time the next codex rolls around, the chapter techmarines will have caught up with the backlog and made enough for captains to get some.

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Then perhaps it was money orientated? Special Characters sell for more money than bog standard Captains...

I could see that logic, as this is when the newer Astroath, Seth and Sanguinor, models were released.

That doesnt really hold water, as the SM captain boxed set is around the same price as the character models, if not more (before finecasted...)


If you want a glaive/artificer, you need to buy a SG box, etc etc.


I reckon the sudden influx of SanGuard into the chapter meant that there was a shortage of arty armour, glaives and wrist mounted weapons. I bet by the time the next codex rolls around, the chapter techmarines will have caught up with the backlog and made enough for captains to get some.

It's more geared towards GW marketing new characters to the hobby. Example the Storm Raven. When that come out everyone wanted a SM flyer. It's something shiny, and new that drives up GW's sales. And so to add in three new sculpts to a new codex their goal probably was to increase those newer mini's to sell often, and reduce people from using their stand-by captain.

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