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FW Justaerin Terminators


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This was already posted on the news board, but I figured BL fans might be interested in FW's new Justaerin terminators. I'm not a big fan of their axes, and the Multimelta isn't fieldable with our current book (more's the pity). But the weapon set is a separate purchase anyway, and they fit the previous Cataphracti weapon sets.




I have to say, I'm pretty tempted. Would have to depend on how hard the holidays hit my wallet, and whether I think I could pull off some greenstuff mutationy conversions on them to reflect 10k years in the EoT.

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This was already posted on the news board, but I figured BL fans might be interested in FW's new Justaerin terminators. I'm not a big fan of their axes, and the Multimelta isn't fieldable with our current book (more's the pity). But the weapon set is a separate purchase anyway, and they fit the previous Cataphracti weapon sets.




I have to say, I'm pretty tempted. Would have to depend on how hard the holidays hit my wallet, and whether I think I could pull off some greenstuff mutationy conversions on them to reflect 10k years in the EoT.

They are delightful. I just don't like the axes, that's a squad of I1 in your picture.

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Well, you wouldn't *have* to convert them, I mean some Chaos marines still look "normal" it even says so in the Chaos fluff blurb in the BBB. Actually that's why the DV Chaos stuff gets on my nerves so much, we've gone from embittered reavers and psychopathic crusaders to the Lady Gaga of 40k with all of the random meaty bits and crap hanging off. Plus you'd think that the Legion would be really careful to preserve such relics in as good a shape as possible, so it's hardly farfetched, though if you really want to defile those sculpts, well, good luck, just make sure to up the product either way.
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I would have to convert them for my army. I didn't mean to imply such conversion would be needed for any chaos player who used them. I personally like the daemonic, mutated look. Going so far as to greenstuff some onto the bolt pistol I gave my DV chaos lord.


The quality of the FW terminator sculpts, and my limited GS skills, are why I'm waffling about getting some.


As for the axes - I don't like them either, but none of the weapons are actually included with the Justaerin, the body come without hands, and weapon options are separate purchases. Sadly, none of the default weapon sets (justaerin axes, cooler looking but mechanically the same cataphracti axes, or cataphracti power fists) strike at initiative.


The 'special weapons' set, though, comes with a heavy flamer, a reaper autocannon, two pairs of lightning claws, two combi weapons (melta, plas, flamer, or grenade), a chain fist, a sword, two hammers (that look easy to convert into axes or maces) and a mace.


I'm thinking two sets of justaerin bodies, two special weapon packs, and a cataphracti axe or fist pack (both come with 5 combi bolters, a power sword, and five axes or fists)?


I don't know, maybe not. Again, it depends on whether I think I could pull off some extra chaosifying without ruining the expensive FW models.

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Honestly, if I picked these up, I would probably use other weapon options altogether. Maybe I'd rip the hands off my current terminators. Maybe I'd use chaos knight weapons. Not sure. I do like the combi bolters on the Horus Heresy terminators, though. And their lightning claws. And the assault cannon. I'm just not a huge fan of the axes, either set of them.
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Add some Night Lords legion markings instead of the eye of horus and I give you the Atramentar :lol:


I'll wait to see if they come up with Atramentar models when the Night Lords 30K rules get released before I'd start trying to convert Justaerin. Given that I'm 99% certain I'll be doing Night Lords as my chosen Legion for 30K, I can afford to be patient. ;)

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While the models are quite nice, I play Black Legion Chaos marines, not Sons of Horus loyalists. If FW decides to release these guys with chaos trappings then I'll be there.

We are just at Istvaan III, they did not have such things...yet... :)

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While I do really like these guys, and am sorely considering buying myself a squad, I hate their helmets with a passions... I think that if I do get a squad of these, I would shave off the neck guards and give them some tusked helmets from real chaos terminators. I'm not really impressed by the weapon sets but that doesn't effect me because I have plenty of extras from my 15 other chaos Terminators... Now I really will have a Justaerin squad to accompany my Warmaster across the battlefield. :D


The only question now is what to arm them with that will make them into close combat monsters~

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Well since we apparently suck so bad, alcohol to impair the opponent's judgement?


Serious note, power axes, chainfists, not sure on weaponry. I believe the norm is combi-plasma but that means you are shooting with bolters except for that one shooting phase when you shoot plasma.

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Under ideal circumstances that's only one phase of bolter fire before charging, and you might opt to skip that anyway considering the risk of shooting yourself out of charge range.


I wish we had heroic intervention for our terminators, or the capacity to add it via a special character, to represent that speartip assault.


As it is, you'll want something sudden and deadly that you can do the turn you arrive from deep strike (assuming you're trying to make that mess work in the first place), and for us that's combi plasma.


I would go for all combi plas, and a mix of swords, axes, lightning claws, and power or chain fists in the melee hands. Maybe a lightning claw / power fist champion, but honestly I'd probably go combi plas even there in the hopes of a precision shot every few games.


Like, maybe, 6x terminators, 2x c.plas & power axe, 3x c.plas & power sword, 1x champ with c.plas & chain fist? Maybe mark of tzeentch?


Or if you wanted to go fancy and expensive, 6x terminators, Mark of Slaanesh, Vets of the Long War, 2x c.plas & power fist, 3x c.plas & lightning claw, 1x champ w/ chain fist, lightning claw & icon of excess?


I don't know.

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