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Decimator Equipment


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So I'm on the verge of ordering a pair of Decimators. The models looks amazing and they seem to get some interesting weapons, that said, I have no idea what is an effective use for them.


Double Butcher Cannons seems like an overpriced Forgefiend, which is saying something.

Double Siege Claws seems okay, but I think a Maulerfiend may be better for the points.


Has anyone had any luck with them so far in the new book?

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I just ordered one for myself a couple weeks ago. I'm planning to use it as a counts as forgefiend. The Decimator rules themselves aren't bad either though. It has most of the same things as the forgefiend except it is AV 13 and it has the Unholy Vigor. It doesn't come with It Will Not Die standard but can be given it. Sure it's a bit pricey but most people aren't bringing too much equipment to take on AV 13-14 so I think they'd do well in an armor saturation list.
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If you delve deep into the older threads you'll find we've compared our FW dreads to loyalist ones and been very disappointed. I tested a decimator once and wanted to run double siege claws with mark of nurgle so it can make it to the enemy. The rules behind the claws are so cool that I just couldn't resist.
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If you delve deep into the older threads you'll find we've compared our FW dreads to loyalist ones and been very disappointed. I tested a decimator once and wanted to run double siege claws with mark of nurgle so it can make it to the enemy. The rules behind the claws are so cool that I just couldn't resist.



I read a bit, the most I was able to find was people wanting to go double Butcher Cannons, which I think is moot now with the Forgefiend.

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I have run mine with a butcher and a claw. It looks pretty cool, and works like a sort of expensive but resilient dreadnought.


It has actually worked quite well, though it feels expensive for what you get. AV 13 and the daemon 5++ save goes a long way, as you don't need a lot of luck for it to soak up lots of heavy firepower. And even if it goes down, it can still come back (though that has never happened to me).

I know it seems kinda dumb to have two different weapons, but the claw has saved my day all the few times I used it. It has actually killed a lot more than the Butcher cannon. But the Butcher is nice, as it forces my opponent to deal with my Decimator instead of just ignoring it until it comes in close.


But I don't know, it costs more than a Defiler, and I think the Defiler might be somewhat more useful (which is saying a lot), but it can work, provided you know what you want to do with it.


Oh, and btw, it works much much better as a Daemon ally, as it must then be deployed via deep strike.


Oh, and you will be surprised at how well they work in close combat. For example, most MEQ squads that used to take a power fist leader now fields power swords, trusting in their krak grenades to deal with walkers. Hey ho here comes the Decimator, immune to kraks in close combat! And even if the unit he fights has got a power fist, that's two attacks that hit on a 3+, damages on a 5+, and you still get a 5++ save vs them.

It's really just other dreadnoughts and monsters that are a problem (and of course hammernators, and maybe GKs, as hammerhand and preferred enemy: daemons makes it a lot easier for them to hit and cause damage with their thunderhammers.)

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On decimators, mine just arrived today. Looking at the bits, there's no obvious places to magnetize. Has anyone been successful with magnetization so far?


Where do you want to magnetize the model? Just the weapons? I snipped off a little material on the edge of the weapon mount about double the thickness of the magnet your using so it'll mount flush in the end. On the bottom of the "bicep" piece is where I mount the other magnet. Just make sure to measure twice because where you put the magnet on the weapon is how it will be angled in comparison to the arm.

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