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Double plasma can deal with almost anything. Im not a huge fan of melta, not even in 5th. Flamers are ok but you dont want them as a first weapon. A few in an army is ok though. I personaly take 2 squads with 4 plasma guns and a havoc with 4.
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i run double plas in my 2 csm squads. even give my champions plas pistols.


i like melta, but the range limits my use. i have a chosen squad with some melta and flamers, set up for killing tanks and slaughtering transport occupants, etc, also my raptors have them, pretty much for the same purpose.


i'm going to get some bikes at some point after the new year, and my only problem is deciding between more plas or more melta. bikes make great tank killers...


truly tho, plasma can handle just about anything except the larger tanks.


pew pew.

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On infantry, you probably want plasma, and lots of it. The box comes with one. You can bits order more on the secondary market, or use a product like Instant Mold to try to duplicate the bit, or you can try to kitbash a conversion for them out of plasma pistols and spare bolters (remove the ammo belt / magazine, cut off the barrel/nozel, cut the front half of the plasma pistol off & glue it to the front of the bolter).


A unit or two with twin meltas can be worthwhile if you run into a lot of in-your-face vehicles, or if you run rhinos, but for the most part meltas are better on bikes/raptors/that sort of thing, while your infantry wants more plasma.

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