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Special Weapon Advice for Raptor Squads


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Is it only the Raptor champion who can take twin lightening claw so everyone else gets bolt pistol and chainsword, with the exception of the two special weapon guys.


Yep-yep. A lot of people using the old metal/Finecast Raptors are running loadouts just like that, from the original armaments. I did the same with my new Raptors, but an Aspiring Champion with dual lightning claws right next to a jump-packed Khorne Lord with dual lightning claws is maybe a little bit on the side of overkill.


They murderised Katie's Tac Squads, though. Fnar.

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or, if it's the new box of plastic raptors and you DO want everyone to have a pair of lightning claws, you can also make "warp talons" out of them, altho i don't like the rules for them very much and they are 30 points each instead of 17 base and have no upgrades/ranged attacks. but man they butcher meqs. and they look super awesome.
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