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Flesh Tearers Death Company colors?


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After the new year I will be starting work on my Death Company. I haven't seen the 2nd edition codex or Index Astartes vol 1 where the Flesh Tearers are depicted but I have gotten WD 250 for the Flesh Tearers article. In there it depicts the Death Company in a reverse pattern from the normal troops using a gray body with crimson head and pauldrons. I like this imagery and plan to use it but Black and crimson instead.

So I was wondering if anybody holds the above mentioned tomes and if those match the WD pictures? If I was better with the tech I'd upload a picture from my magazine for your collective opinions.

Thanks in advance!


Used the Space Marine Painter to show my thoughts. Yours are welcome.

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I can remember the Flesh Tearers having a grey death company, however there is no current proof that this was official at any time. If ypu want to paint your DC like the marine in the pic you posted, go for it. The official scheme right now seems to be standard black, however - the codex doesn't mention the Flesh Tearer's DC colours, if I'm not mistaken. :P




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The IA article doesn't mention the color scheme as being different, and in the one photograph the death company has a standard black scheme.



That said, my original FT DC had a grey dc. It sounds petty but EVERY kid 12 or under who walked past me playing at the game store would ask what the grey unit was, and then inform me that dc are supposed to be black. Was fairly irritating but could just be me.

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According to the 5th Ed. codex, every successor chapter's Death Company is black (implicitly this would include the Flesh Tearers), with the only exception being the Angels Encarmine who have "Alabaster White" Death Company (and Sanguinary Guard, too).


But as SnorriSnorrison said, it's your army, paint it however you like!

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The current Codex shows that the successors use the same color scheme for the DC and the SG as the Progenitor with the exception of (IIRC) the Angels Sanguine, who equip both the DC and the SG with White armor. I say they are your models-paint them how you want. As long as your opponent knows what the models are, that's all that matters.
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Thank you everyone, especially Snorri! Frostbite, thank you for the warning, I think I might make the power pack black as well to cut down on the feedback. My concern is I want the crimson brain buckets and pauldrons. I wanted to see if there was any other alternate history for the DC with the Flesh Tearers. Sounds like others have seen what I have and everyone agrees it's my army and I can paint it how I want.

Thanks, I'll have to see how it looks. I really should figure out how to post picts and do a WIP.

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