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IA9 - Lieutenant Narvaez


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Dark Void Elite:

If Anton Narvaez is included in your army one Tactical Squad also included in your army may be chosen to represent the veterans of the Chapters long voyages into the outer galactic darkness. Both Anton Narvaez himself and this chosen squad have the Move Through Cover and Scout universal special rules, and counts as having Void Hardened Armour in battles such as boarding actions where this is relevant, all at no additional cost.


Just to clarify - this means that TWO units in your army can benefit from MTC and Scout - the chosen tactical squad, and whichever unit Narvaez is attached to.


The reason I ask is because in 5th, when IA9 was written, MTC and Scout were special rules that were lost by IC's when joining units that didn't already have them, meaning that Narvaez would only be able to join the tactical squad he assigned the special rules to in order to benefit from the rules.


In 6th however, both MTC and Scout have the 'as long as one model in the unit' caveat - so unless I'm missing something, Narvaez can give a tactical squad those special rules and join another unit himself, bestowing said special rules on that unit too.

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