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emplaced weapons and gun emplacements

The Librarian

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I just want to get this right. Emplaced weapons are fired by models inside the building, gun emplacements by models in base contact with them.


So for a Bastion:

heavy bolters - models must be in the building

quad gun - models must be on the roof (in base contact)


Fortress of Redemption:

missiles and the icarus - fired by models inside the building (must be in the same part of the multiple part building as the weapon)

heavy bolters - must be on the roof in base contact


Is this all correct?


So if I want to use e.g. the icarus of the fortress, I have to put a squad in there, and as there are no Fire Points I would not be able to shoot with all

models except for the one shooting with the icarus?

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But with the fortress of redemption there is no 'inside' for the sections with the guns. Wouldn't being on the battlements in that section be enough?


Although the emplaced weapons can auto fire remember? Which is fine for the missiles of blastification...

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Almost, actually.


So for a Bastion:

Emplaced Heavy Bolters - Can fire automatically, or models must be in the building to fire them.

Quad Gun Gun Emplacement - Models must be on the roof in base contact.



Fortress of Redemption:

Emplaced Missiles and Icarus - Can fire automatically, or fired by models inside the building (must be in the same part of the multiple part building as the weapon).

Emplaced Heavy Bolters - Can fire automatically, or fired by models inside the building (must be in the same part of the multiple part building as the weapon).



Being on the roof does not count as being inside the building, otherwise you'd be in the building and not on the roof. Simple, and described both in the rules and in the FAQ.

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Thank you for the replies.

Can I always fire the emplaced weapons of my Fortress automatically? Even if all my troops are on the battlements?


If I understand it correctly the building must be occupied if I want to fire the emplaced weapons automatically.

So if in case of the Fortress the troops would have to be in the same parts of this multiple part building as the lascannon or the missile launcher to occupy it,

then there would be no sense in automatic fire as those parts don't have any fire points and the troops could not do anything else than using those emplaced weapons.


Or is it enough if I occupy one part of a multiple part building?


Btw the missile launcher will never have a line of sight to its target, will it?

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If you're on the roof of a Fortress, all weapons must fire on autopilot and cannot be fired by anyone, as you need to be in the building to fire them.


In the case of a multi-part building, you must be in the part that contains the weapon to be able to use it.


And yes, that means the missile launcher will never have Line of Sight.

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There is one thing left that I still do not get :-(


- I must occupy a building to be able to fire the emplaced weapons automatically.


- To occupy a building I have to put troops inside.


- When I have troops inside I can use the troops to fire the emplaced wapons at a much higher BS.


Is there something I did get wrong, because like this the automatic fire rule sounds quite redundant to me.


So automatic fire is (nearly always) useless - except if I have some additional Fire Points I want to use because my troops have better

weapons than the building and I fire the emplaced weapons automatically then. But the interesting weapons of the fortress

are in parts with no fire points. And in a Bastion wouldn't be a noticeable benefit either.

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This would be nice of course :-)

Can you tell me where to look in the book, so I can show it the other players here, Seahawk?


I just had a look at BRB page 96 where it says "If a building is occupied, each emplaced weapon ...automatically fires at the nearest enemy..."


It is still somehow confusing. If an emplaced weapon can always fire automatically even if the building is not occupied, then even my opponent could use "my"

emplaced weapons in his turn?

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Well I'll be a sucker!


You were right. When (and only when!) a building is occupied, it's emplaced weapons MUST fire, either automatically at BS2 or manually at a model's BS. When it's not occupied (such as, when guys are only on the roof/battlements), nothing fires.


Automated fire isn't useless. If there are 5 weapons and two guys in a building, for instance, all guns will fire, but some won't be good shots.

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