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Quick "gets hot!" question.

The Wolfmeister

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If you fire a rapid fire plasma weapon and one of the shots succeeds and the other suffers "gets hot!", does the successful shot still fire, or no? Or, are you supposed to roll each die separately in case it's the first shot that "gets hot!" in which case the gun would blow up prior to the second shot? Need help, this quandary caused an argument during my last game.
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As firing for a unit is simultaneous, and you have to roll twice when rapid firing, the potential is there for two overheats or one hit and one overheat. An overheat on one shot does not affect the other in any way for a Plasma gun.
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If you fire a rapid fire plasma weapon and one of the shots succeeds and the other suffers "gets hot!", does the successful shot still fire, or no? Or, are you supposed to roll each die separately in case it's the first shot that "gets hot!" in which case the gun would blow up prior to the second shot? Need help, this quandary caused an argument during my last game.


Both shots fire, but the second shot misses so it only counts for the armor save.

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Bear in mind the gun does not 'blow up' it simply gets hot enough to be dangerous to the wielder, if he survives he can try again to fire it next turn.


The fluff has occasionally mentioned plasma weapons vent steam to prevent a meltdown.

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This is clearly mentioned in the rules for Gets Hot! Just point your opponent to that rule.


The only time you should have to roll plasma weapons separately would be when you have separate models, as positioning etc effects a lot, and hypothetically one model could roll double 1, then fail both armour saves, and one would be fine, meaning you remove one model. If you did them at the same time though you'd remove two.

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  • 2 years later...
As far as I can see, it still works this way. I think the only change in 7th is that you ill need to resolve all plasma gun shooting before moving to the next weapon. You can still roll to hit separately for each model but all of the plasma guns will fire at the same time.
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So this is a recent point of contention from my group:


If you roll a 2 on a twin-linked plasma gun, then re-roll a 1, does it Get Hot?


My interpretation of the rules was no, as I thought you had to roll two 1's in a row.  Opinions?

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If you roll a 2 on a twin-linked plasma gun, then re-roll a 1, does it Get Hot?

The only number that counts is the final number. If it is a 1, it Gets Hot.



Usually ....

the wording in Gets Hot is weird, which should be no surprise at all.

Since it does say "if the To Hit re-roll is also a 1" you have a case for your RAW interpretation.

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