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Vindicator and Divination

Drunken Angel

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I am running a libby with prescience, I cast this power on my vindicator, my opponent claims that a vindicator firing its template does not get to re-roll to hit because it is a vehicle. I see on the prescience lore that it benefits a friendly unit within 12 inches.


Do I get to re-roll the scatter dice and abide by the second roll?


This template hits troops who have a fearless model nearby or in the unit making them fearless.


The rules for fearless mean they can not go to ground and get no cover save from this ?


Obviously my opponent does not like pie plates :o

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I am running a libby with prescience, I cast this power on my vindicator, my opponent claims that a vindicator firing its template does not get to re-roll to hit because it is a vehicle. I see on the prescience lore that it benefits a friendly unit within 12 inches.

You're correct, it's any friendly unit within 12", vehicles too.


Do I get to re-roll the scatter dice and abide by the second roll?

Yes, all the three dice.


This template hits troops who have a fearless model nearby or in the unit making them fearless.

The rules for fearless mean they can not go to ground and get no cover save from this ?



Obviously my opponent does not like pie plates :o

And rightly so. There's only one worse surprise a Vindicator can pull in this game - Power of the Machine Spirit :>

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Obviously my opponent does not like pie plates :o

And rightly so. There's only one worse surprise a Vindicator can pull in this game - Power of the Machine Spirit :>


Argghhkkk I almost choked on my coffee, you mean the Black Templar vindi gets to shoot one more weapon than normally allowed and that would be the Demolisher cannon ?




Thanks for the fast reply I really needed a third party to save arguements

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Yep, we can move 12" and shoot the Demolisher. Imagine the faces of the people who play with me for the first time, when I get to go first xD


I run blood angels brother Kreig ..... hehe I know that look, a S10 template with a 36 inch field of fire arc .... and with prescience I now find another use for librarians not very glamourous for the libby but early game very useful.

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Yep, we can move 12" and shoot the Demolisher. Imagine the faces of the people who play with me for the first time, when I get to go first xD


I run blood angels brother Kreig ..... hehe I know that look, a S10 template with a 36 inch field of fire arc .... and with prescience I now find another use for librarians not very glamourous for the libby but early game very useful.


Don't forget we BA have fast tanks so we too can move 12 and let off a shot with the Demo Cannon.


Now as has already been stated there is nothing in the wording stating that a vehicle can't be targeted with Presence, mind you if your opponent trys to say you can't re-roll because it is a Blast based attack point him/her to page 33 of the rulebook.

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The rules for fearless mean they can not go to ground and get no cover save from this ?

Um being fearless doesn't mean you cant get cover saves... you just cant go to ground, so they still get a cover save they just cant go to ground for a +1

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He may be referring to a situation where the unit in question was in the open, and wanted to go to ground to at least get that 6+ cover.


Yep but no never mind we all knew which part of the sentence was relevant, the Vindicator in question was awesome tonight dropping precise pie plates of doom all over the board the libby was working overtime casting prescience I may even upgrade to an Epistolary to buff from divination lore even further.


The Vindi exploded a defiler and wiped out 7 acolytes who were part of the meat shield then rained down hell on a squad of possessed and a nurgle demon prince. Prescience means never missing with templates. The whole fearless issue went exactly how I wanted it to. The Chaos lord died to a power fist Sgt in a challenge over 3 turns of combat. The Death Company who were the counter charge unit surrounding the tanks ending up killing only acolytes because there was nothing else left to attack. Chaos conceded by the end of third turn.

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