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Horus Heresy : Angel's Wrath Rite of Battle


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Hey guys, I was reading my Horus Heresy, Betrayal book once again (I can't get bored to do it again) and I was thinking about fielding a Night Lords and was particularly attracted by the Legion Praetor with Angel's Wrath Rite of Battle. I can see myself having a lot of troops with Storm Eagle and Caestus Ram flying around.


But here's the problem, the Rite of Battle says that I can take a Storm Eagle instead of a Rhino for any of my guys which has it available. When I read the Legion Tactical entry, I can see that I can select a Rhino for 10 guys or less. Does it means I can't take a 20 men squad of Tactical with a Storm Eagle?

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I would say no, you can take a unit of 20 in a storm eagle, or that's how I read it. It doesn't matter to much anyway, because if your taking units of 20 then you can take the 3 storm eagles as fast attacks, if your including caestus assault rams your already looking at over 1000pts for the 3 storm eagles and a caestus. It would only matter if you were intending to take other fast attack options, but this will most likely kick your army up to 2000pts by which you can just double your force org for the extra slots.
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